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Memorial Day getaway

Started by racerman_27410, June 02, 2010, 06:19:43 PM

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So in remembrance of all those who have lost their lives in order to protect freedom i went on a little out n back journey up to the George Washington National Forest in Virginia for some R&R

i arrived at my potential camp spot (that i had previously scoped out on the topo maps)

camp Frank

Path to the Bull Pasture River

it was hot so i went swimming

A little light reading and dinner of champions apres swim

dont forget to bug proof your boots

and hang up your wet clothes

Happy boy....

Breakfast of champions (the beef stew was actually good.. the eggs left something to be desired however)

and a sample video part of my ride back home

Great day for a ride!

all secure in sector 7  :good2:




"All unattended children will be served an espresso and given a puppy"


Hey Frank,    :flag_of_truce:

I think i would have been all set not seeing a couple of them photos   :bad:

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.