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Rear damper

Started by dobols, August 05, 2022, 05:01:03 PM

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Hello, dear group. Which Yamaha model does the FJ1200 92r 4cc rear shock fit from. I am leaving in 3 days. New at the moment, out of the way and used no.

RPM - Robert

Quote from: dobols on August 05, 2022, 05:01:03 PM
Hello, dear group. Which Yamaha model does the FJ1200 92r 4cc rear shock fit from. I am leaving in 3 days. New at the moment, out of the way and used no.


There is no other bike that I aware that the FJ1200 shock was used on and the parts fiche doesn't indicate it fit any other models.

We do have new shocks for your bike on the shelf, not sure if we can get it to you before your trip, but outside of a used shock, that might be an option.