would more restrictive mufflers cause the mitor to run hotter

Started by jono, January 24, 2021, 02:37:12 AM

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yes i didnt have them fitted when i rode it, i will definitely fit them next time I ride it ,I'm going to try to richen  the mixture and  go 1 grade colder plug and see how that goes .

does installing your pod air filters require a change to the jetting?

1991 fj1200


Quote from: jono on January 28, 2021, 11:19:09 AM
does installing your pod air filters require a change to the jetting?


We recommend jetting changes to get the full benefits of the pod filters.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


Quote from: jono on January 24, 2021, 02:37:12 AM

new carb float valves


Fuel level at the bowls have DRAMATIC effects on temperature. Check carefully yours. 1 mm down on the floats cause a big performance improvement AND IN HEAT


looks like I'm going to have take the air box of again .I pick up cooler plugs from the shop tomorrow so I'll fit those put the air scoops on, fit the new K&N oil filter (which is really just for peace of mind)and try her again and take it from there .
it looks like I'm going to have to re jet the motor anyway so ill do a float level check with fuel line when I do that ,now I wonder if i raise the needles in the carbs that will richen the bike at idle, the needles on my 1tx have got three slots and a plastic spacer with a cir clip i presume my 3xw carbs are the same so I might use the small washer's that sit between the spring and plastic washer from the 1tx Donner bike to shim the needle up and play with the mixture screws to try and cool it down if that dos'nt work ill buy new pilots and mains and probably pods

thanks jono
1991 fj1200


Just one thing each time, step by step

Check the float fuel level. It affects all the rpm range. Needles only work between 3-6000 rpm +-. And with less than 50.000 km Yamaha emulsion tubes are usually ovaled, so in fact the fuel is enriched in that area anyway, so I don't think necessary to shim the needles


I'm pretty sure the floats are good i checked them with a vernier when i cleaned the bowls and put new needle  valves and gaskets it starts easy idles well  i'm going to go up a size or two with the pilot jets and get some RPM pods sometime in the near future i put colder plugs and enriched the mixture today and it starts well idles strongly i'm going to fit the air scoops tomorrow and take it for a short ride  and see if it still idles hot or if it seems cooler like it was when i got it i'll leave it like it is for now and start building the body work Ive got so much too do. Fit fairings and side covers rear guard lights etc

1991 fj1200


Quote from: jono on January 29, 2021, 11:41:42 PM
I'm pretty sure the floats are good

Well, "good" is a margin of a couple of mm. Only 1 mm makes a great difference

Colder plugs are OK where I live, with minimum temperature of 15ºC a couple of days in a year, with 22ºC yearly average temperature. In colder climates you must use the usual 8 plugs, if not, the bike runs like a bull between 2-3000 rpm


problem sorted I changed the oil filter to a K&N just for piece of mind really (it seems when you buy a oil filter for an FJ 1200 in new Zealand for some reason the large o ring is the wrong size ???) and enriched the mixture slightly went back to the colder ngk 9 plugs .Your web site is very helpful Alf thank you the write up on mixture screw adjustment really helped at first i went to rich but when i rode it a couple of times (with scoops on this time i got it pretty good
thanks everyone for your help
now I gotta make her look good shouldn't be to hard

1991 fj1200
