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Since there is time...

Started by racerrad8, March 22, 2020, 02:22:19 PM

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Since the USA and most of the rest of the world is supposed to be at home under quarantine, there is probably plenty of time to find things to do that otherwise would not get done. On this I know I would be appreciative of and I am sure the rest of the forum membership would also benefit from is photos.

A couple of years ago, Photobucket went off their rocker and decided to change their hosting of photos to forum like this one. That in turn has taken a lot of posts that had photobucket photos as reference to blurred out versions of the originals.

If you have some extra time over the next couple of weeks and you had a photobucket account, I would appreciate maybe updating your photos from Photobucket to another hosting source.

There is Flickr and I recently came across You don't even have to have account for Postimages, but I made one so I can keep track of my library of posted photos.

I use the 1600x2100 (21-inch monitor) and no expiration settings and then drag the photo into the "choose images" box. Once downloaded I use the "hotlink for forums" code and just paste it into the text just like Photobucket used to be.

I recently stated going through some of my posts, especially on the 200mph build and started updating the photo from photobucket to Postimages.

If you have any question or concerns with this, please feel free to reach to any of the moderators. I know one of them is on home quarantine for the time being... :bomb:
Pat Conlon

Or you can reach out to me, but I am only available Fri-Sun

Thank you for spending your time updating to a new host for the issue cause by photobucket.

Randy - RPM

Randy - RPM


Or, you could finish the 2018 Isle of Man video Andy, because that would be good and let's face it, about time and if you can't get it done now, when can you get it done?
life without a bike is just life


Fotki moved all mine from Photobucket.

I forgot what I pay them, it's nominal.
Columbia, Missouri


I use this addon for Firefox, there maybe similar versions for Chrome but it unblurs Photobucket images as I originally had that issue with the forum. Hope it helps someone for the time being even if it is a bit of a bandaid.


Quote from: f4fwildcat on March 23, 2020, 05:26:26 PM
I use this addon for Firefox, there maybe similar versions for Chrome but it unblurs Photobucket images as I originally had that issue with the forum. Hope it helps someone for the time being even if it is a bit of a bandaid.

I just installed this app onto Firefox and it works!  Thanks for the link.  Saves me hours of changing from Photphuckit over to Flickr.  I'm one of the few that don't get time off (so far) during this virus.
1992 FJ1200 ABS
YouTube Channel Paul G