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What is your government putting in the water?

Started by racerrad8, May 28, 2019, 11:39:32 PM

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Well, after viewing that video you linked to in your earlier post, I have to conclude that the reason I haven't seen it is because it's not actually happening. The fact that you claim to have seen it, based on that video, just affirms that my backwards-ass state is *way* behind yours in terms of legalizing recreational hallucinogenics.(*)

Lady shooting your video: "Now, you're normalizing anal sex and you're teaching that to high schoolers?"
Lady from the school board: "We are talking about how different types of sexual relations have existed in history."

In other words, no, nobody is teaching that. The video you liked doesn't show that anyone is teaching that. Whoever told you "this video is proof that they're teaching that" is lying to you. If you had spent the minute to watch your own video, you could have seen that. And if you are going to partake in a serious conversation about this kind of thing, you will need to vet your sources better, because that one ("Freedom Project") is a dumpster fire, and if you had spent the minute to watch your own video, you would have been able to see that at the very least they are mistaken on this one. (*)Weed tends to mellow people out. Maybe try that next time, instead of whatever led you from the above exchange to your conclusion? Because no doubt it's effective, but there are "good trip" people and "bad trip" people, and man I gotta say you do *not* seem like you are enjoying yourself on this trip. Guys who ride motorcycles and play with sports cars ought to be having a lot more fun than it always seems from your posts like you're having.

Also, I'm all for "celebrating diversity" and all that, so more power to ya (literally!) if you like your sports cars to have their underpowered engines air-cooled and in the back of the car. Shoot, there's plenty of room at the back of the field behind all the Corvettes for both of us. And some of my favorite cars have MacPherson struts up front, there's hardly any shame in that at all. But shoot, man, if your mind goes straight to "six year old grandkids" whenever someone mentions "anal sex" in some unrelated context, you have GOTTA do a better job keeping that shit under wraps, Reverend. Get some help, get some medication, get something, because that's just creepy and fucked up. Talk to someone about that.
Reg Pridmore yelled at me once


I've said my piece. If you want to think that our public schools aren't being used by progressives to indoctrinate our children to everything that ISNT a traditional family value, then you have that right. I have seen it. The video link is far from the only evidence. You can get off your PC soapbox now, Bill.

2010 Honda VFR1200 DCT (Full Auto!)
1993 FJ/GSXR 1200 (-ABS)
1987 Porsche 911 Carrera (Race)
1988 Porsche Carrera (Street)
1993 FJ1200 (FIREBALL)
1993 FJ1200ABS (RIP my collar bone)
1986 FZ750
1984 FJ600
1982 Seca


Here's my experience working for Napa Unified for 13 years. Admittedly I've only been a substitute for most of that time, but it has given me a pretty reliable overall perspective on what goes on at every school in the district.
Sex Ed is covered by most high schools for about 2 weeks as part of the health module, integrated with freshman and sophomore physical education. Topics mainly concentrated on are; safe practices, disease avoidance and what a healthy relationship looks like. LGBTQ lifestyles get a nod as legitimate alternatives.
I suspect any references to pedophilia would be made in psychology lessons, since it is classed as a disorder, or history lessons as it was seen as a permissible thing in Ancient Greece.
Which all leads to my ending with an inappropriate joke:
How do you separate the men from the boys at a Greek wedding?
With a cro-bar.

Thank you folks, I'll be here all week..
life without a bike is just life


Thanks for the feedback and levity, Andy. I appreciate your experience, and I don't want to broadstroke the individual teachers like you that are in the trenches.

As for the subject, I am convinced that there is a "slippery slope" afoot in our curriculum that I know an individual teacher neither has any control over, nor can opt out of, which is providing "educational information" to younger and younger children, to "ensure their safety" and the safety of "impacted groups".

This article from Snopes (a source I rarely trust, due to it's left lean), while debunking the assertion by many conservative groups that the American Psychiatric Association had declassified pedophilia as a mental disorder, goes to great lengths to parse out what they were actually doing discussing the subject. The details of the discussion are concerning:

It is true that the conference was for academic discussion and debate of the DSM-5 (short for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), which    
standardizes classifications of mental disorders in the United States, and that the DSM-IV standards were revised and updated in May 2013. However, the supposed
cause-and-effect chronology implied here (by the Patriot Nation article and others) is clearly askew, as University of Cambridge event occurred two months after
the American Psychiatric Association revised their classifications.

It's also true that the DSM-5 slightly adjusted their classification of pedophilia, defining it as "a sexual orientation or profession of sexual preference devoid of
consummation," and supplanting the common usage of the word with "pedophilic disorder,"

and that the DSM-5 does not classify hebephilia (attraction to pubescent, rather than pre-pubescent, children) as a mental disorder. But the decision to omit
the latter from the updated manual had nothing to do with either societal acceptance of LGBT issues or the 2013 Cambridge University conference.
A representative from the American Psychiatric Association told us that the organization does not condone pedophilia, nor does it espouse the position that sexual
attraction to children is normal or healthy.

The use of disclaimers at the end is tepid at best.

So, for purposes of "inclusivity" and to assuage any hurt feelings, I'll leave it at that, and suggest that I do believe that we are in a fight for values, and the Progressive Left is winning, slowly, and it's because so few call it out when they see it, and too many are afraid to assert themselves on a world gone mad.


2010 Honda VFR1200 DCT (Full Auto!)
1993 FJ/GSXR 1200 (-ABS)
1987 Porsche 911 Carrera (Race)
1988 Porsche Carrera (Street)
1993 FJ1200 (FIREBALL)
1993 FJ1200ABS (RIP my collar bone)
1986 FZ750
1984 FJ600
1982 Seca


Quote from: ZOA NOM on June 03, 2019, 03:49:58 PM
I've said my piece. If you want to think that our public schools aren't being used by progressives to indoctrinate our children to everything that ISNT a traditional family value, then you have that right. I have seen it. The video link is far from the only evidence. You can get off your PC soapbox now, Bill.

So, how many kids you got in public school right now?

Me, I have a meeting with a teacher about one of mine at 1:30 tomorrow.
1993 FJ1200 ABS

1984 FJ600, up on blocks

1986 FJ1200, flaming wreck, repaired and sold
1986 FJ1200, repaired, ridden, sold

I don't want a pickle
I just want to ride my motorcicle


Quote from: JPaganel on June 05, 2019, 05:23:08 PM
Quote from: ZOA NOM on June 03, 2019, 03:49:58 PM
I've said my piece. If you want to think that our public schools aren't being used by progressives to indoctrinate our children to everything that ISNT a traditional family value, then you have that right. I have seen it. The video link is far from the only evidence. You can get off your PC soapbox now, Bill.

So, how many kids you got in public school right now?

Me, I have a meeting with a teacher about one of mine at 1:30 tomorrow.

All three of my adult children went to California public schools. I currently have six grandchildren at all three levels of K-12. I'm not in a position to comment on Minnesowta public schools, but California is a trailblazer in this arena. I suspect yours should be worrying about Sharia law wiggling its way into your lives. I dare you to ask your teachers if they talk about Muhammed or Islam and the treatment of women.

2010 Honda VFR1200 DCT (Full Auto!)
1993 FJ/GSXR 1200 (-ABS)
1987 Porsche 911 Carrera (Race)
1988 Porsche Carrera (Street)
1993 FJ1200 (FIREBALL)
1993 FJ1200ABS (RIP my collar bone)
1986 FZ750
1984 FJ600
1982 Seca


Quote from: ZOA NOM on June 05, 2019, 05:53:45 PM
I suspect yours should be worrying about Sharia law wiggling its way into your lives. I dare you to ask your teachers if they talk about Muhammed or Islam and the treatment of women.

You really don't know much about Minnesota, do you?

We had several rather public attempts at Muslim cab drivers getting special treatment, all of which were shut down hard.  Basically, when they decided blind people's guide dogs were too unclean for them, or when they couldn't drive sinners they picked up outside a well known gay bar, or passengers with alcohol, they basically were told that if they can't drive every fare that comes their way, they need to find other jobs. There were also a few incidents at colleges, more or less same results.

If someone at school does tell my kids something about Islam, it isn't going to harm them any.  You see, I am the kind of dad they are are going to come to and ask questions if there are doubts about what they hear at school.  They trust me, and they know I know things.

It's called parenting. More people should try it, rather than expect schools to parent for them.
1993 FJ1200 ABS

1984 FJ600, up on blocks

1986 FJ1200, flaming wreck, repaired and sold
1986 FJ1200, repaired, ridden, sold

I don't want a pickle
I just want to ride my motorcicle


Quote from: JPaganel on June 05, 2019, 07:43:26 PM

You really don't know much about Minnesota, do you?

No, which is why I said that.

Quote from: JPaganel on June 05, 2019, 07:43:26 PM

If someone at school does tell my kids something about Islam, it isn't going to harm them any.  You see, I am the kind of dad they are are going to come to and ask questions if there are doubts about what they hear at school.  They trust me, and they know I know things.

It's called parenting. More people should try it, rather than expect schools to parent for them.

I suppose you're okay with them being "told about" Jesus, and the Bible, then? It didn't take much searching to find this informationand this video in Minnesota. You may be the best parent on the planet, and your children may never be indoctrinated, but how many parents do you think rise to your standard? It seems you think very highly of your "parenting", so it must be that it is exceptional. If everyone were doing that, you wouldn't be.

I stand by my assertions. The facts are there for anyone to see. The nuclear family is decimated in America, and traditional values are slowly being replaced.

2010 Honda VFR1200 DCT (Full Auto!)
1993 FJ/GSXR 1200 (-ABS)
1987 Porsche 911 Carrera (Race)
1988 Porsche Carrera (Street)
1993 FJ1200 (FIREBALL)
1993 FJ1200ABS (RIP my collar bone)
1986 FZ750
1984 FJ600
1982 Seca


Quote from: ZOA NOM on June 05, 2019, 08:03:03 PM
I suppose you're okay with them being "told about" Jesus, and the Bible, then?
Why the scare quotes?

It seems you think you got some kind of gotcha here, but I'm really not sure what it is. Yes, I'm fine with them hearing about Jesus and Bible. They know they are likely to be hearing about that from a very specific American Protestant perspective, which is not the same as ours. They also happen to know I know more about that than vast majority of people likely to talk to them about it. Something about Sunday school and being a one-time member of a church council... :D

Quote from: ZOA NOM on June 05, 2019, 08:03:03 PM
It didn't take much searching to find this informationand this video in Minnesota.
CPL is a bunch of paranoid fearmongering wackos.

The page you link to actually doesn't have much of anything in the way of facts, just a bunch of pearl clutching.

I am also not going to listen to an hour of Deb Anderson's blathering. I might have read it if it was condensed in written form, but after the third time she said some nonsense about "celestial freedoms", I realized I would have to get very drunk to get through the rest of it.  I live in the same neighborhood she lives in.  All this freaking out about "Islamization" is just ridiculous.

I am really starting to think that modern Americans just like being afraid and are searching for a good enough bogeyman. Conservatives got their gay Muslims, Liberals got guns-n-bigots, everybody needs to fear something.  Communism is dead, "drug dealers" of the 80's and 90's aren't really all that scary, and this is all we got now.

Quote from: ZOA NOM on June 05, 2019, 08:03:03 PM
I stand by my assertions. The facts are there for anyone to see. The nuclear family is decimated in America, and traditional values are slowly being replaced.
Yes, the nuclear family is dying off. The fact that a single breadwinner can no longer support a whole family has far more to do with it than Islam, or gays.
1993 FJ1200 ABS

1984 FJ600, up on blocks

1986 FJ1200, flaming wreck, repaired and sold
1986 FJ1200, repaired, ridden, sold

I don't want a pickle
I just want to ride my motorcicle


Well, they won't be told about Jesus or the Bible in a public school, and they shouldn't be told about Islam either.

Sounds like you and I are on different sides of the issue, and that's OK. Those of us who aren't in the center will not likely change our views anyway. Suffice to say I think the America that I love is dying, hopefully I'll be gone before it gets really bad. It may only take a couple more election cycles, however, since the vast majority of young voters will be leaning left as they have been taught. 240 something years is a pretty good run for a society based on individual freedom, I guess it really does move through the phases like Tytler postulated...  I'd say we are somewhere between Complacency and Apathy.


2010 Honda VFR1200 DCT (Full Auto!)
1993 FJ/GSXR 1200 (-ABS)
1987 Porsche 911 Carrera (Race)
1988 Porsche Carrera (Street)
1993 FJ1200 (FIREBALL)
1993 FJ1200ABS (RIP my collar bone)
1986 FZ750
1984 FJ600
1982 Seca

Tuned forks

I'm not taking sides here but that's a really interesting graphic there Rick.

1990 FJ1200-the reacher
1990 FZR 1000-crotch rocket


My favorite story from the UK exemplifying some of these points, is.....
Forget which town it was, but they were really pleased with their new community indoor (it's England) swimming pool. It had cost them beaucoup bucks and had taken way longer to finish than anybody would have ever imagined, but it was done and the good people of England were happy. Happiness was however, short lived when along came a Muslim cleric who said to the council, 'ooo you can't have that. The passers by can see in through those gorgeous floor to ceiling windows and they'll lust after our Muslim woman who are taking a dip. Before you know it, fellas will be furiously touching themselves and making a mess of the sidewalk. We want the windows blacked out. Hang the expense. Those tax payers will think it cheap, if Allah is forced to bring his wrath upon them.' (or words to that effect)
And bugger me, the council bowed down, instantly closed the pool, blew a ton more money on blacking out the windows, making what was an architecturally merited building into something that looks very much like the black stone of Mecca.
ASSIMILATE - let's make that bipartisan common sense.
life without a bike is just life


I think the problem with Islam in the Western world is that it cannot be separated from Sharia Law, and therefore will always clash with the freedoms we enjoy. The Caliphate is real, and the Muslim world has one goal; Islam will dominate the world. They aren't interested in simply making non Muslims move, they must be eradicated. They are using immigration and procreation to accomplish that goal. If that isn't obvious, I don't know what to say.

2010 Honda VFR1200 DCT (Full Auto!)
1993 FJ/GSXR 1200 (-ABS)
1987 Porsche 911 Carrera (Race)
1988 Porsche Carrera (Street)
1993 FJ1200 (FIREBALL)
1993 FJ1200ABS (RIP my collar bone)
1986 FZ750
1984 FJ600
1982 Seca


Quote from: Tuned forks on June 07, 2019, 06:51:34 PM
I'm not taking sides here but that's a really interesting graphic there Rick.


Very... the quote is from Alexander Tytler, a Scottish history professor in 1787 who said,

A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

   From bondage to spiritual faith;
   From spiritual faith to great courage;
   From courage to liberty;
   From liberty to abundance;
   From abundance to complacency;
   From complacency to apathy;
   From apathy to dependence;
   From dependence back into bondage

We are heading into the dependence phase, as clearly evidenced by the vast number of left (read socialist) minded voters who prefer the Government provide for them. Debates like mine and JPanagel's are just an example of the struggle to transition between the phases.


2010 Honda VFR1200 DCT (Full Auto!)
1993 FJ/GSXR 1200 (-ABS)
1987 Porsche 911 Carrera (Race)
1988 Porsche Carrera (Street)
1993 FJ1200 (FIREBALL)
1993 FJ1200ABS (RIP my collar bone)
1986 FZ750
1984 FJ600
1982 Seca

Tuned forks

So THAT'S who said/wrote that!  I've seen that quote about voting in the largess from the public treasury before.

1990 FJ1200-the reacher
1990 FZR 1000-crotch rocket