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A bit of a mishap

Started by aviationfred, December 24, 2018, 05:32:57 PM

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T Legg

you maintain your bike as well as you can and then take your chances .shit is inherent in any gas powered machine.
T Legg

T Legg

  Ive had several volkswagen engines and a couple of hot rod engines catch fire in my presence and if a fire extinguisher isnt available I've used towels and even sweatshirts to extinguish the fire very effectively.however it was a lot easier to get to the engine on those vehicles
T Legg

Pat Conlon

Travis yea, VW's and fire, happened in high school to a couple of my friends....something about gravity and having the carb mounted over the distributor.  :dash1:
1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


Quote from: fj-f3a on December 25, 2018, 06:51:51 PM

Should this be a wake up call for all of the FJ fraternity. How often do we check / change our fuel lines?
Do we use a quality fuel hose of the correct ID for the fittings in use?
Do we use proper clamps?
Personally, I do not like using small "Worm" type clamps as I have found that small worm clamps can distort the tubing at the end of the worm housing. (for want of a better description)
The original spring type clips are the best in my belief.
For those of us that are using pod filters, is there a possibility of rerouting the fuel line and positioning the fuel filter where it may lesson the chance of fuel discharging onto the engine should a mishap occur. I'm curious.

One of the few things I do miss on the FJ is the Manual and Reachable Petcock like on my original XL185S and my Yamaha SR500.


You could always fit one of these for under $30.

Fuel shut-off solenoid Yamaha FJ1200

Turn the ignition off and the fuel supply shuts off.

You are correct, you should always use "fuel line clips" and as you say, worm drives should not be used.

Leaking fuel is not uncommon, catching fire is. There would hardly be an FJ owner here that hasn't at some point experienced fuel dumping from their bike.
Fuel needs an ignition source and is near impossible to ignite from hot surfaces, you could pour fuel directly onto the stinking hot exhaust and it would not ignite, evaporating before it reaches combustion temp.

Fred, you were both unlucky and lucky today, good save. Hope the holiday can continue uninterupted.

You know what they say, a trip doesn't become and adventure until things stop going to plan.

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


The Holiday trip and adventure will be continued. With parts arriving from RPM in a few days, the generous offer from FJScott to use his Triumph Tiger, i will not be under any time contraint to get the FJ back together. The trip now will be done on an adventure bike.

I'm not the fastest FJ rider, I am 'half-fast', the fastest slow guy....

2008 VFR800 RC46 Vtec
1996 VFR750 RC36/2
1990 FJ1300 (1297cc) Casper
1990 VFR750 RC36/1 Minnie
1989 FJ1200 Lazarus, the Streetfighter Project
1985 VF500F RC31 Interceptor


Good on ya FJScott!!!! :good2:  :good2: :good2:

I love this community.
1984 FJ1100 Ms Effie brand new :)
1984 FJ1100 Pearlie, stock as.
1985 FJ1100 Mr Effie 647,000K and still running hard.
1985 FJ1200 'Yummy' takes a licking & keeps on ticking
2013 Trumpy Tiger 800, let's do another lap of Oz

After all is said and done, more is said than done :)

Pat Conlon

Yea, that's the Scotty we know.... :good:
1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:



This wasn't the same bike that briefly caught fire in S. Dakota is it?

Either way, you'll have it sorted in no time. Nice to see a bike offered up so your trip wasn't interrupted.