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Central Ontario - Thanksgiving Weekend

Started by Charlie-brm, October 02, 2018, 09:30:03 PM

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Any of the usual suspects going to be out this coming weekend, say around Haliburton or the Kawarthas?
This weekend I'm thinking of getting out to one or other of my favourite haunts, Minden/Haliburton or Fenelon Falls - Buckhorn. I knocked off 10 hours in the saddle on Sept. 24th in Muskoka/Huntsville/Dorset (600 km) and that was my first ride since mid June. I thought that was pretty good if you knew the handi-crap I've been through in the last 2 years, so sometime when the weather opens up again I'd like to get in another day trip at least.

It takes me about 2 hours or more to get from b#mfu@k Ontario where I live an hour west of Newmarket to decent riding scenery so I wouldn't expect to be in cottage country until about 11 am. Give the sun a chance to warm things up too.

Anyway, nothing written in stone but just checking if anyone will be out in the general area.
If someone wants to see any images I refer to in posts, first check my gallery here. If no bueno, send me a PM. More than glad to share.
Current Model: 1990 FJ1200 3CV since 2020
Past Models: 1984 FJ1100 - 2012 to 2020
1979 XS750SF - 2005 to 2012


 I'm working the Sat-Sun-Mon.  :mad:  Hope the weather holds out for you. I'll probably be packing it in for the year. I think I did less than 1000 km this summer FFS.  :cray:

Enjoy! :good2:

BTW made any vids yet?
1992 FJ1200 ABS
YouTube Channel Paul G


I hear ya' Paul. I checked the forecasts again this morning and they've continued the bad news into the weekend. LIARS!!! LOL.
I'm down to about $300 a ride when I divide my insurance over the number of times I've been out on the bike this year. My nearest friend hasn't left his motorcycle in the garage all year and very likely won't get out on it. At least this year I didn't need any upkeep costs (chain, tires, etc.)

I've been terribly lazy about making the videos. There's another thing where I invested $1500 minimum in a second PC that mostly sits unused, 4 feet from the one I'm using 24/7.
I'll probably cherry pick various scenes from 2016 & 2017 rides. It's just a matter of "doing."

Also I can't think of anything I really need to make with my 3D printer. I think the world has enough plastic vases and action figures without me adding to the pile.
If someone wants to see any images I refer to in posts, first check my gallery here. If no bueno, send me a PM. More than glad to share.
Current Model: 1990 FJ1200 3CV since 2020
Past Models: 1984 FJ1100 - 2012 to 2020
1979 XS750SF - 2005 to 2012