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RPM Handlebar Risers.

Started by Firehawk068, August 29, 2015, 04:54:42 PM

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These risers do make a difference.  3/4"  does not sound like a lot but combined with a lower Corbin seat, it is even more amplified.  I love my risers!  Of course, the beauty of them is that the brake and clutch lines do not need to be lengthened.

1993 Yamaha FJ1200
1988 Yamaha FJ1200
1986 Yamaha FJ1200
1984 Honda Nighthawk S 750
1972 Yamaha XS-2
1972 Honda CT70
1974 Honda CT70
1992 Yamaha DT50 MX
2012 Honda CBR250R
2008 Honda CBR125R


I installed my risers week or so ago did a 250km run and they were great!
2009 FJR 1300
1992 FJ 1200
1987 FJ 1200 Sold
1986 FJ 1200 Sold
1985 Venture Royale
1976 GoldWing
1986 FZ 750
1986 GPZ 900
1984 Honda Nighthawk S 750
1982 Honda Nighthawk 450


gooooood stuff ,always had little bit something on my back not anymore.only sore thump via resonations.. :good2: