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Aldi Motorcycle Gear

Started by Arnie, July 29, 2015, 11:28:07 PM

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Next Saturday, 8 August, Aldi is having motorcycle gear on sale.
Various items that may be of interest include
Full face AS1698 helmet with sunscreen $79
Leather jacket $149
Textile jacket $139
Leather, Textile, "Certified" Denim (with aramid aka kevlar) pants $119. 99, 79
Denim (with aramid aka kevlar) 59.99 (I don't know what the diff with above is)
Rain Jacket $29.99, Pants 19.99
Bike cover 29.99 and various under garments 24.99 & 39.99
Gloves, boots, and for you Qld'ers they have long neck balaclavas @ $10   :gamer:
IF none of above is of interest to you they also have lawn mowers and edgers on sale for the season ahead :-)

I have no connection or interest in Aldi's or their sale items, just passing the info along.
I also make no representation wrt quality, though I have purchased some similar items from them in the past and been satisfied with the quality.


Wife and I have Aldi gear. Pants, jackets, helmets, socks. The helmets come with a spare visor and internal padding. It's all good stuff. One of my riding mates crash tested an Aldi jacket - saved him from a lot of road rash. I need new boots but on Saturday Aug 8 we'll be in good ole US of A (San Francisco) on our way to Vancouver to spend a week checking out the sites and scenery. Then cruisin' up to Alaska.
91 FJ1200
84 FJ1100 x 2
85 FJ1100
89 GL1500
76 CB750F1
72 CB350F
63 C92 x 2
59 C76
62 C100
63 C100
60 Colleda 250TA x 3
63 Suzuki MD50
77 DT125E
77 DT175E x 2
79 DT250F


I bought a pair of their $60.00 Kevlar jeans a couple of years ago. Apart from being a bit long in the legs which was easily fixed, I have no complaints about the quality of their stuff. The jeans fit well, are comfortable to wear, and look good as well. Worth a look.
93 fj1200
79 suzuki gt250x7

Too young to be old but old enough to know better.


I crash tested an Aldi helmet last year when a truck dog trailer ran over my head. Just a few scrape marks but I cut it in half and binned it. Bought another one as they are comfortable and quality appears to be as good as the $300 helmets in the shops

the fan

Is this the same Aldi as the German owned Grocery Chain? Or just a coincidence in naming.

No real reason to ask, just intrigued.


Quote from: the fan on July 30, 2015, 06:43:22 AM
Is this the same Aldi as the German owned Grocery Chain? Or just a coincidence in naming.

No real reason to ask, just intrigued.

Yep, same one.

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


And from the (not great) pic in the catalog it appears the
19.99 rain pants are exactly what RIBBERT was asking for.
The side zip goes up past the knee.

Your welcome :-)


Quote from: the fan on July 30, 2015, 06:43:22 AM
Is this the same Aldi as the German owned Grocery Chain? Or just a coincidence in naming.

No real reason to ask, just intrigued.
There are actually two Aldi's. Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud. The one in Oz is part of Aldi Sud.
1984 FJ1100 Ms Effie brand new :)
1984 FJ1100 Pearlie, stock as.
1985 FJ1100 Mr Effie 647,000K and still running hard.
1985 FJ1200 'Yummy' takes a licking & keeps on ticking
2013 Trumpy Tiger 800, let's do another lap of Oz

After all is said and done, more is said than done :)

the fan

IIRC They are owned by brothers who split the company when their father passed. One runs European Stores (possibly only German?) The other takes care of the rest. Not terribly popular here in the USA but they were everywhere when I was in Europe. Didn't know if they made it to the AUS market.

mr blackstock


I had some Aldi bike boots last me for years, lasted longer than my current Dri-rider boots zips.  I will be looking through their stuff come sale day.

Cheers, Gareth
Squeaky wheels always get the grease...

Yamaha FJ1100 1985


My current boots are Dri Rider and they're worn out. I'd like to get a pair of Aldi boots but I won't be here on Saturday. I might take a punt and have my son get me a pair of size 9s and hope they fit.
BTW their new helmets have built in flip up sunnies.
91 FJ1200
84 FJ1100 x 2
85 FJ1100
89 GL1500
76 CB750F1
72 CB350F
63 C92 x 2
59 C76
62 C100
63 C100
60 Colleda 250TA x 3
63 Suzuki MD50
77 DT125E
77 DT175E x 2
79 DT250F


Quote from: the fan on July 30, 2015, 04:47:17 PM
Not terribly popular here in the USA but they were everywhere when I was in Europe.
They are making some inroads. We have something like a half a dozen stores here in Minneapolis. They seem to be picking locations in between existing major chain grocery stores and doing pretty well.
1993 FJ1200 ABS

1984 FJ600, up on blocks

1986 FJ1200, flaming wreck, repaired and sold
1986 FJ1200, repaired, ridden, sold

I don't want a pickle
I just want to ride my motorcicle

the fan

They had 3-4 locations I was aware of in the Cincinnati / Northern KY area but most have either closed or moved. Honestly not a big loss as the Florence KY and Beechmont OH locations were usually filthy and the pricing/selection was not great.


Quote from: the fan on August 03, 2015, 10:43:35 AM
They had 3-4 locations I was aware of in the Cincinnati / Northern KY area but most have either closed or moved. Honestly not a big loss as the Florence KY and Beechmont OH locations were usually filthy and the pricing/selection was not great.

They are expanding stores and building new ones around Indy.  I'm in there 2-3 times a week.
Wish they sold motorcycle gear, too...     :sorry:

Randy T

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Psalms 144:1

'89 FJ1200
'90 FJ1200
'78 XT500
'88 XT350

the fan

Cool. I loved their stress when I was in Germany. The best part was the check out line. Seriously.

The cashiers in the Schwaebisch Gmuend store had to memorize the prices of every item in the store. They would manually ring up your purchase and if you could catch them in a mistake the item was free. It was like a game show with groceries as the prize. It might have helped if I spoke the local lingo but it made shopping entertaining for sure.