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rides for fun

Started by Kopfjaeger, January 05, 2010, 02:46:36 AM

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i know it should be in the rides section but anyone in the nsw region?  always up for a ride andthe such. drop us a line if your keen to get out and about, i only stop for petrol pee and coffee breaks :morning1: in a coupla months all going to plan might try to ride to taswegia.... but at the moment the run to wisemans ferry and up over somersby peats ridge and anywhere round the northern areas ( based in newcastle)

roverfj1200 Few riders here that don't like to stop to much..

1988 FJ1200
1991 FJ1200



I'm a bit too far south for your day rides, but let me know when you're planning to head down to the 'apple isle'.  Could get together somewhere then.  I'm just outside of Geelong.



Gooday Kopfjaeger, I live down in Burnie, Tassie so if you do get to come down this way drop a post and we can organise to catch up a maybe even slip in a ride.
86 & 93 FJ 'S


Fact is Kop ,there are not a lot of our bikes around-more so OZ(when was the last time you saw one?)I have to ride with other bikes/friends.If you are over 40 join Ulysses or search the net that's how I found this site  and if I do a trip past your door(north) I will let you and Springy )know.Trust me.
Thank god I sold my cb1100d can't remember the last time I saw one


I'd love to come DOWN  :sarcastic: to NSW sometime.
And ride some of those sections of road I once loved.
Can we stop off at Woodenbong? :nyam1:
Anyway I'll have to put my FJ together first.
Who nows, one day ...  :cray:
I remember the world before Workplace Health & Safety.


mate do you get to Jerry's at Kulnura, great place for coffee and a pee  :dance:
I have kleptomania,
but when it gets bad,
I take something for it.


92 FJ1200


just got back from a run to penrith from newcastle back through singleton down putty road then out to broke then cesnock.... and lo and behold!!!! i saw one!!!! a red white 1tx like my, went a bit nuts so he may have thought me strange, waving and pointing etc etc  :yahoo: :biggrin: went via wisemans ferry, up wisemans ferry road to windsor, nice ride, jerry's at kulnura? not been there but if you give me directions i should find it, bit shagged due to the heat of the day but finally got my suspensions  set ( sorta) to enable me to feather the front and really push it through corners, gotto love the torque on these things, launches you off the apex  :bye2: :biggrin:hope all are well, we should tee up for an all out ride , have a meet up somewhere and fj the neighbourhood, mines getting a bit more rattly, but on a highway run sitting between 80 - 120 i got 306 k's and still had about 4? litres left, still got a bit of a headshake but i think thats the front suspension ( havnt touched it) got the rear set to 4 on the spring and damping at 2-3 feels ok but front tends to go so far then sliiiiiide ever so sofftly with a lil headshake , thuis making me run a bit wide sometimes, recomend the putty road from windsor to singleton takes a tank o fool but is a hoot of a ride long sraights and 35 to 55 k twisties :bye2: :biggrin:


do you have a shorter  namme bitte


yup. just call me neil. but not late for supper   :biggrin:


Quote from: Kopfjaeger on January 10, 2010, 01:25:54 AM
jerry's at kulnura? not been there but if you give me directions i should find it,

:gamer: you almost got there, at the cross road at mangrove mountain where you head down to Spencer, keep going north as if you are going to Wollombi, Jerry's is 9k's up the road from the cross roads. Its a servo just past the main group of shops at Kulnura, just look for the bikes  :biggrin:

You could keep going to the pub at Wollombi good riding and fun and then take the road to Cessnock, the Cessnock road does have some seriously crap sections  :diablo:
I have kleptomania,
but when it gets bad,
I take something for it.


92 FJ1200


think i know where you mean might try to get up there next weekend... see how we go... yes the road to cessnock is bad... serves as a warning i think... dont let em in and well keep em out....chuckles :good2:


The Two Ferries Run

Start in Hornsby and fill up!

Take Galston Gorge to Galston.Through Galston, fork right at roundabout to Old Northern Rd going North.
TL onto Cattai Ridge Rd.
After 15-20km, Fork right onto Pebbly Hill Road.
Pebbly Hill becomes Millers Rd, don't worry about it.  Watch out for the crest!
Follow to T junction with Cattai Rd.  TR towards Cattai, Maroota and Sackville.
Pass Golf Course.  Great, well surfaced bends here.  I guess the local council plays golf...
Pass Pacific Park.
TL onto Sackville Rd.  Very bumpy, but fun.
Go STRAIGHT (ignore turnoffs) through Sackville North (don't blink!) to Sackville Ferry.
Cross Hawkesbury.
Around corner from leaving ferry take first right on West Portland Rd and follow up and over the ridge.  This is a great road, but watch for gravel on road, especially after rain.  Soon you will come to a shiny new bridge over the Hawkesbury (actually Roberts' Creek).
TR just before bridge. Ferry is 200 metres down road.

Take second ferry.  Go straight on, on River Rd (do not turn right).   River road is bumpy and treacherous, with sand and gravel on road.  Treat as a transport section and enjoy the view.
Stop for a cuppa by the water at Cliftonville cafe.  Very friendly.   Occasional Kookaburras if it's quiet.
Keep going on River Rd to Wisemans.  Two sections of dirt, but don't panic, they are only a couple hundred metres long.
At Wiseman's Ferry township, fill up.  (You don't need to take the ferry itself.)
Back down Old Northern Rd. Turn left to Galston and home.

I have kleptomania,
but when it gets bad,
I take something for it.


92 FJ1200


think i did the opposite springy.... went from kulnure to wisemans and over the ferry to the pub up the hill down the straights and twisty,s took a left to go to hornsby berowra waters and hornsby, turned off to go to hornsby up galston gorge  ( those 5 k corners are fun  :shok:) o and watch out for the chickens crossing the road !!!!! :negative: :shok: :shok: :shok:  and then up to hornsby down the old road to gosford... only hairy part was the coppers at berowra and the lace monitor my mate ran over.... had to change his undies but no damage done. :good2: