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V or VB rated? Did I purchase the wrong tire?

Started by JoBrCo, September 04, 2014, 12:57:36 PM

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Luckily I knew what the definition of "bias" and "belted" was, long before coming here. All that's required is a simple dictionary, borrowed from your local library. They are neither synonymous nor is using them together, a case of redundancy. Money was not required, rather education, which can require money, I still have a college loan I'm paying on at 56, but the internet is full of sound educational resources if one looks in the right places.

The only reason I sought clarification on wikipedia, as to the two different types of tires, is because of this knowledge of the difference of the two words in question. There are actually patents listed with the US Patent Office, that explains the difference between bias-ply and belted bias-ply tires.  There is a difference, as to it's significance, well I guess that's an opinion, to be expressed by their users, not necessarily factually based; not necessarily definitive.

After much education in this matter, I'm glad I got the VB (belted bias-ply) tires. At least in theory, they're better tires than the vanilla bias-ply.

FJ Forever!  :drinks:

1985 FJ1100NC

"To 'truly' see the man in the mirror, the only way for the image to be clear, as the man then 'truly' grows" --JoBrCo--

'I only know that I know nothing' --Socrates--