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Jnimbostratus Street Fighter Project

Started by jnimbostratus, March 31, 2014, 09:42:20 PM

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my phone took a shit and that means no more camera. will post updates when i get a new camera(phone) striped the paint off the valve cover and mocked up the tail light. also got headlights on there.



all assembled and feels great going down the road. having some running issues at the moment that i need to work out. pulls hard when i go down the road but after about a mile it seems like it drops a cylinder or 2 i assume its a fuel delivery problem because after it sits a few min it sounds good again. so i dont think the bowls filling up fast enough on a carb or 2 will find out tomorow when i pull them apart.


Your project looks great.  :drinks:

One thing I would suggest, I notice that the OEM fork brace is not installed. IMO the OEM brace may not look good with the way the bike is, but a solution would be to install a RPM Black fork brace.

I'm not the fastest FJ rider, I am 'half-fast', the fastest slow guy....

2008 VFR800 RC46 Vtec
1996 VFR750 RC36/2
1990 FJ1300 (1297cc) Casper
1990 VFR750 RC36/1 Minnie
1989 FJ1200 Lazarus, the Streetfighter Project
1985 VF500F RC31 Interceptor


Looks good!  Definately a minimalist  :drinks:

Have you thought of deleting the sideplates?  And mounting the pegs directly to the frame?  You'll have to make spacers for or shorten the swingarm pivot bolt a bit, but nothing too difficult.   Also, you can cut the loops off the bottom o the tank to clean up the lines a little there - cause you'll never need to fit sidecovers on it!  Or are you planning a cool little carbon fiber or brushed aluminum panel there?


I love this. The perfect compromise - "Blue Pots"

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


Thanks for the love guys. As far as the oem fork brace. Th rpm one won't help much the front end is off a Suzuki. I do have one that's going on though.


moved into a new shop over the weekend


The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side


going to have to brace the suzuki swing arm. seems to twist pretty aggressively under hard acceleration


had one of the valve cover bolts snap today. i want to take this thing to a local show before i tear back into the motor would the be any serious negative side effects of plugging the one hole to prevent oil from coming out for one short ride? its not one of the outer 4 its one of the inner 4. just trying to get a one time ride to this show in 2 days before i fix it correct.


oh and btw forgot to respond to fj1289. your on the money brother. going to make a small trim piece for the tank tabs and the side plates are there just to hold the exhaust all of which is going away this winter when i fit the pretty little snail on there. i didnt do it first time around cuz wanted to get the chassis all sorted and make sure it was functioning well before boosting.


new gas tank came in the mail today plan on painting it it came with no cap and the cap from my other tank is not the same because different year. no petcock either but i built i little jobby to thread a barb and ude an external shut of.


I think you've done an excellent job on your bobber-FJ.  Your design for the seat-support/sub-sub-frame is perfect for the lines of the bike.   

The FJ as a custom-bike platform is tough, but it gets better the more you remove.  Are you running the fuel pump still?

I know a lot of members on here are horrified by what we are doing to our FJs, but we are proving that the FJ is more than a one-trick-sporttouring pony.  Makes a sweet custom, too.

Carry on...
1990 FJ1200 Cafe


Quote from: dma251 on August 14, 2014, 11:59:40 AM
I think you've done an excellent job on your bobber-FJ.  Your design for the seat-support/sub-sub-frame is perfect for the lines of the bike.   

The FJ as a custom-bike platform is tough, but it gets better the more you remove.  Are you running the fuel pump still?

I know a lot of members on here are horrified by what we are doing to our FJs, but we are proving that the FJ is more than a one-trick-sporttouring pony.  Makes a sweet custom, too.

Carry on...

thanks brother im with ya. no fuel pump dont think it ever had one being an 84.

got the broken valve cover bolt out of the cam retainer but the when reinstalling said cam retainer one of the 2 bolts snapped. and just like the valve cover bolt it was hardly snug. i feel incredibly defeated. back at it tomorrow