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Dog Joke

Started by Joe Sull, February 28, 2014, 05:09:44 PM

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Joe Sull

A guy goes into a pub and theres a big commotion going on in the corner.
He asks the bartender "whats going on over there" The tender says " I don't
Know, dog tricks or something." The guy takes his beer and walks up close to
the crowd and he looks over the shoulders. He sees a dog on the table doing tricks.
There all saying "that's the smartest dog I've ever seen".
The guy says with a brag "My dogs much smarter than that dog, my dog can talk".
They all look at him and laugh "ya, sure he can" One guy says "go get him and we'll see"
So he go and gets the dog and puts him on the table and he asks the dog
"whats above us" and the dog says "roof" they all scow er. "that Bull S%&*t"
He says "no, he's talking. listen. Whats sand paper feel like". The dog Say's "Rough"
Everybody yells "that dog can't talk" The guy says "no, he's talking, I swear"
"OK I'll prove it to you" He asks the dog "Who's the most famous baseball player of all time"
The dog says "Ruth" The whole crowd yelling "That's it, YOUR Outta HERE" They grab
him and the dog and throw them out in the street.
The dog cowers over to him and says "DiMaggio?"
You Keep What you kill

The General

`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
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