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Helmet Expiry Date

Started by Bones, February 19, 2014, 01:23:37 AM

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Walking out of work yesterday, a workmate carrying his helmet mentioned he has to buy a new one because his is past it's expiry date. I just looked at him and said what!! He said all helmets have a use by date on them and have to be replaced after 10yrs from that date. Bullshit!!! and he goes Yeah look, and shows me a sticker on the back of his helmet and then went on to say that a bloke he knows got pulled over by the cops for something, couldn't ping him for anything for his bike, so they checked his helmet and found it was past it expiry date and fined him $300.00.

I've never heard of such shit before, and wondered if anybody else has any knowledge about it. I've been reading bike mags for years and have never read or heard anything about it till yesterday.

I bought a new carbon fibre modular helmet just before christmas, and apart from the Australian Standards sticker that every helmet here should have, there's no other sticker or tag anywhere that has a date on it, so not sure what the go is.   
                                                Here's the helmet in question

                                                        Here's the sticker

93 fj1200
79 suzuki gt250x7

Too young to be old but old enough to know better.



I have never heard of the police checking a helmet date, let alone citing a rider for an old helmet.  That said, yes, the date is a valid point for safety.  The foam liner can become harder with age, so it no longer crushes to cushion your head in an accident.  Depending on any paint applied, sunlight (Ultra-Violet) may make a "plastic" outer shell more brittle, so it would shatter like a china dish, with a hard hit.  I doubt that fiberglass would be much affected by sunlight (UV), though, especially as fiberglass will usually be painted with UV-protective paints.  Beyond that, helmet straps and anchor systems may deteriorate due to sweat, UV, and simple wear-and-tear.  I can think of no valid motorcycle use for an old helmet, except maybe to saw it in half for classroom instruction.

This is one case where you really can make your own luck.  Make all of your luck only the best.

P.S. Not sure why this did not post, sorry about any duplicate posts.

P.S. Life is too short, and health is too valuable, to ride on cheap parade-duty tires.


I'd argue that the sticker is a mfg date, not a 'use by' date. 
-- RKBA Regards,

Ed Thiele 
Simi Valley, CA -- I no longer have SoCal manners.
'89 FJ12C (Theft deterrent Silver/White)

- All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for
enough good men to do nothing.

- Edmund Burke


"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.


I agree Klav that what he's saying sounds like a load of shit, but he is a sensible long time rider that doesn't seem to talk shit,  so although I personally don't believe it, I'm keeping my mind open.

The laws you showed apply to America not Australia, so still not sure what the go is with legalities here.

Think about it, getting fined $300.00 for having an out of date helmet, Bullshit!!!!. Not sure how long ago it happened, but wouldn't surprise me it it's a new law Cambell Newman invented.

93 fj1200
79 suzuki gt250x7

Too young to be old but old enough to know better.


I was looking at a tub of yogurt, thinking "why would you put Expiry date on a helmet?"  Of course, the yogurt DOES have an expiry date ...
-- RKBA Regards,

Ed Thiele 
Simi Valley, CA -- I no longer have SoCal manners.
'89 FJ12C (Theft deterrent Silver/White)

- All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for
enough good men to do nothing.

- Edmund Burke


Quote from: simi_ed on February 19, 2014, 07:26:01 AMI was looking at a tub of yogurt, thinking "why would you put Expiry date on a helmet?"  Of course, the yogurt DOES have an expiry date ...

I agree (maybe I should have said that more clearly), the date on the helmet is very likely the date of manufacture.  A blanket ten-year age limit (by law) would be in force today, then.  I do not believe that every old helmet "dies" at any certain age, but they all do "die" at some age.  The "make and model" of a helmet should set the limiting age, and not a law, but legislators do not know enough to set that realistic limit, without testing each helmet made.

In the USA, in some states the police may find a violation with your vehicle, and then must issue an "equipment warning citation" (NOT a fine).  The owner (driver or rider) then has some set time limit to correct the problem, and to show officialdom that they have fixed the problem.  After that time limit is up, then a fine (or worse) may come about.  An instant costly fine seems counter-productive, because the cost of a decent helmet is "fine" enough, for most people.  The "instant fine" approach could have riders wearing borrowed, ill-fitting helmets, and they would be better served by an older helmet that fits properly.  Seems like the lawmakers were more interested in your money, than in your safety.


P.S. Life is too short, and health is too valuable, to ride on cheap parade-duty tires.

yamaha fj rider

Back when I worked in bike shops, helmet manufacturers suggested that after five years of use the helmet should be replaced. I have sold thousands of helmets and this is the first time that I can recall a sticker on the outside of a helmet that had a date on it other than the Snell sticker. All helmets that I can recall had a sticker on the inside with the manufactured date.

A law for wearing a helmet more than tan years old, what a joke. Better an old helmet than no helmet. Where I live no helmet required if over eighteen years old. More bureaucrats equals less freedom.

93 FJ1200
FJ 09
YZ250X I still love 2 strokes
Tenere 700

The General

Apparently, it`s mandatory to comply with Australian standard AS1698 which requires a manufacturers date to be affixed at time of manufacture. (No restriction on how long that sticker must last!) I couldn`t find any law or applicable penalty for excess age of a helmet, so challenge him with a "pic or it didn`t happen".

Googling reveals why it should be replaced, but no mandatory time requirement (expiry date) in Australia.  :drinks:
`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka


The link I posted was for Ed, that's why it was an American one.
There is absolutely no law in Australia that says you have to get rid of a helmet after 10 or any amount of years, it just isn't true.


If you look though the link and section of the legislation(S5.6.1 ) that was posted for Ed, you'll see it's the date of manufacture.

"(d) Month and year of manufacture. This may be spelled out (for example, June 1988), or expressed in numerals (for example, 6/88). "
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.


Must have been a super observant copper. When I moved to the states, I rode around with by British kite stamped AGV lid for maybe three years. One day my biking bud pointed out that it didn't have the proper american markings, so was technically illegal. Wonder how that would have gone down in the eyes of the law.
Moreover, my current Arai is marked only with USA stickers, so if I were to ride in the UK with it, would that be against the law? For f**ksake  officer, it's an Arai; about the best brand out there.
life without a bike is just life


The only time I've seen anyone checking dates is for wearing it on a race track...  I think it is required by the track's insurance/safety policies.  In that case the helmet typically must have a SNELL rating that is not more than ~10 years old (not sure if that is standard everywhere).  I think the sticker usually tells you what SNELL standard was used in manufacturing the helmet and that changes every few (5?) years.  The rule at the track events I've gone to is that the helmet must "meet SNELL 2010" for example, which means it needs to have the SNELL 2010 sticker on it...  can be inside.  The next SNELL std is published already but is effective 2015... I think "2015" will be required in 2020 once the 2010 std times out (along with all of my helmets).

There's plenty of time for sleep in the grave...


I wonder if the copper wanted payment on the spot, or was the fine payable to the court clerk ( or the Ozzie equivalent)?
-- RKBA Regards,

Ed Thiele 
Simi Valley, CA -- I no longer have SoCal manners.
'89 FJ12C (Theft deterrent Silver/White)

- All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for
enough good men to do nothing.

- Edmund Burke

fj johnnie

 In Canada they now have best before dates on hockey helmets. True story folks. The referee's will start checking them to make sure they are up to date.

Joe Sull

What happens after the expiration dated on sour cream.....It goes good! :biggrin:
You Keep What you kill