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hello of France

Started by fjfrench, January 29, 2014, 05:39:11 PM

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my name is Christian, i am in north of France and i have a fj1200 1991 3cx.
I have some difficulty to dpeak english but i learn it.

I'm working on restoring my fj.

goodbye and see you soon


Welcome Christian  :good2:. You speak better English than I do French.... We do have some members that speak French up in Canada.  Ask questions anytime.
Post some pictures of your project if you get some time.
Cheers George
Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


Welcome Christian, on this forum we can all speak FJ so the language barrier is not too bad. How long have you had your FJ? Any modifications or custom stuff?
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side


Christian Bonjour et bienvenue sur le forum. Bien que je suis Canadien et je parle un peu français, québécois n'est rien du tout comme le vrai français, alors même communiquer en français sera très difficile pour nous deux. Si je peux me permettre une suggestion, il ya beaucoup de translaters universels en ligne qui peuvent faciliter la conversation entre nous. Il est toujours agréable de rencontrer un homme propriétaire de FJ, en particulier de vous dans le monde. Mon espoir est de venir en tournée en Europe un jour prochain. Ecosse est l'endroit où mes racines familiales sont de mais d'être un étudiant passionné de l'histoire, mon espoir est de voir beaucoup d'endroits où les soldats canadiens ont combattu avec la Grande-Bretagne et la France dans les deux guerres mondiales. Ce serait un grand plaisir pour moi si vous voulez être mon guide. Profitez de la moto et du forum. Vous y trouverez une foule d'informations précieuses parmi les 3500 membres. Donc, ne soyez pas timide et s'il vous plaît ne pas hésiter à se sentir comme vous vous sentez quand vous êtes à la maison.

Never regret your choices in life ! There is no way to go back to do it again and compare. Make the most and do your best with every decision you make


Thank you !
I try to perfectly my english :crazy:
In France we are quite limited for the changes, the rules are pretty strict, so I'll just switch to 17 inches at the rear, offering a complete rear yamaha fazer 600, and restore all the mechanical parts in accordance with the original .
Here is a picture with the back installed.

restoration ramp carburetor all joints changed and new membranes

new membranes

the four carburetors were cleaned with ultrasound with my little personal device



So far the weather is not good, I hope to be ready to roll for sunny days.

Good luck to you all


Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200



I got a full fairing slightly damaged, but once repaired it will be like new.
Now we must start thinking about painting :scratch_one-s_head:
I'd like to do a painting closer to the original but in more modern colors.



Great photo... I love it. Some gusto and spirit mixed in with 3/4 of an FJ.... Keep it coming...
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side


I can tell you are going to fit right into the group  :good2:..  :lol:
Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


I guess thats one way of solving the wheelie problem.  :rofl:    Dave
A pistol is like a parachute, if you need one and don't have one you will never need one again.

Capn Ron

Quote from: fjfrench on January 29, 2014, 05:39:11 PM

my name is Christian, i am in north of France and i have a fj1200 1991 3cx.
I have some difficulty to dpeak english but i learn it.

I'm working on restoring my fj.

goodbye and see you soon

Welcome Christian!  You'll definitely fit right in here!!  I spent a bit of time in the province of Quebec on a tour of Canada on my FJ.  I knew very little French and worked hard to get up to speed in the few days I was there.  Simple things like ordering breakfast became the biggest challenge at that moment.  I ran into some folks that ONLY spoke French and we had a mutual sympathy for each other in the communication process.  I also ran into folks that spoke both English and French and would do their best to accomodate my struggles.  In the end, what language someone spoke was was the effort to connect with another matter the differences that made all the difference.

Again...welcome...and don't worry about your English...s'il vous plait pardonnez-moi pour mon francais limite...

Cap'n Ron. . .
Cap'n Ron. . .

There are two types of people in the world...Those who put people into categories...and those who don't.


Bonjour Christian et bienvenu sur ce merveilleux site dédié à la FJ. Vous y trouverez les meilleurs conseillers pour tous les problèmes reliés à cette moto! Si vous éprouvez des difficulté à énoncer vos propos dans la langue de Shakespeare n'hésitez pas à faire appel à moi, il me fera grand plaisir de vous aider.


Fluctuat nec mergitur


Et bien, Bonjour Delarbreavous  :good2:

Dit donc, j'ai comme l'impression que toi, par contre, tu le maîtrise le français  :good:

Merci, je n'hésiterai pas à faire appel à toi.

Mais je vais quand même me forcer à faire des efforts en english, ça ne peut pas faire de mal, bien au contraire. :bye:


I looking for a exemple of paints fj for my inspiration.
If you have a connection, i am very interested.

thank you all