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Windshield rattling

Started by Tex, October 02, 2013, 09:38:36 PM

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Ok so been riding her for two days now and I love it. They only thing is that it seems like the windshield rattles a bit especially on acceleration. Anyone have any fixes for this. Also has any one extended the windshield or is there a mod to do so?


Luv'in my 93 FJ.

1993 FJ 1200 ABS

Capn Ron

Hey Tex!

The FJs are a bit "buzzy" at certain RPMs.  The way the fairing is screwed together on the sides above the dash lends itself to rattling.  Some have removed those pieces and stuffed foam in them to dampen the rattle.  Others have lined those pieces with car door-edge trim to take up the gaps a bit.  It's definitely a "fiddle with it and see what works for you" sort of deal.

There are quite a few "tall" or "touring" windscreens out there.  There was a recent discussion about the Powerbronze windscreen and all seemed to be satisfied with the quality:

Cap'n Ron. . .
Cap'n Ron. . .

There are two types of people in the world...Those who put people into categories...and those who don't.