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Header down tubes

Started by FJscott, August 15, 2013, 09:52:13 AM

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I did cheat somewhat and got mine Ceram coated. Not as shiny as outright polishing, but they come up nice with some aluminium buffing compound applied.

'94 FJ1200 Wet Pale Brown
'93 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver
'84 FJ1100 Red/White

'91 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver ( Now Sold)
'92 FJ1200 Project/Resto Dark Violet/Silver (Now Sold)

For photos of my rear wheel swap, heres the link


that looks great. is that the RPM oil cooler I see, hard to tell from the glare off the pipes.


It is Scott. Very easy to fit and well worth it, especially in summer with these hot running engines.
I've got a couple of piccies here of it being done.
'94 FJ1200 Wet Pale Brown
'93 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver
'84 FJ1100 Red/White

'91 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver ( Now Sold)
'92 FJ1200 Project/Resto Dark Violet/Silver (Now Sold)

For photos of my rear wheel swap, heres the link


X-ray, thanks for the pic link...that helps. I'm still waiting for RPM to get the coolers in. they were out of stock last week when I went to order.
I live in south florida where summertime temps at the asphault can reach 140 deg. I just cringe sitting at a stoplight knowing im cooking my oil.
Being air cooled engine is my only complaint about the FJ. I believe some on this forum have actually fitted a fan to the cooler, I've tried the search
function with no luck finding a thread on it.....I guess Ill polish down tubes waiting on a cooler.



Quote from: FJscott on August 16, 2013, 08:13:10 PM
X-ray, thanks for the pic link...that helps. I'm still waiting for RPM to get the coolers in. they were out of stock last week when I went to order.
I live in south florida where summertime temps at the asphault can reach 140 deg. I just cringe sitting at a stoplight knowing im cooking my oil.
Being air cooled engine is my only complaint about the FJ. I believe some on this forum have actually fitted a fan to the cooler, I've tried the search
function with no luck finding a thread on it.....I guess Ill polish down tubes waiting on a cooler.


Scott, not to get to far off topic, but they are in stock as the coolers arrived last week and two have already been built and shipped out the door since then. I am not sure if you checked the notification box when the came back into stock or not, but they are here.

I do not believe anyone has fitted a fan to my oil cooler to date. I know several other have used Earl's, Setrab and other coolers and have had to add fans as the cooler needed it to perform at stop to low speeds. I have heard from several customers that my cooler maintains almost the same oil temperature in speed ranges as well as temperature ranges.

I can tell you I bought a new to me 92 a few weeks ago and i used to it run some errands this afternoon. It was 98* today and I can sure feel the engine heat from that stock system compared to my 86 that has the RPM cooler. Plus the 92 smells like it is hotter as well.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


Quote from: racerrad8 on August 16, 2013, 08:20:52 PM
Quote from: FJscott on August 16, 2013, 08:13:10 PM
X-ray, thanks for the pic link...that helps. I'm still waiting for RPM to get the coolers in. they were out of stock last week when I went to order.
I live in south florida where summertime temps at the asphault can reach 140 deg. I just cringe sitting at a stoplight knowing im cooking my oil.
Being air cooled engine is my only complaint about the FJ. I believe some on this forum have actually fitted a fan to the cooler, I've tried the search
function with no luck finding a thread on it.....I guess Ill polish down tubes waiting on a cooler.


Scott, not to get to far off topic, but they are in stock as the coolers arrived last week and two have already been built and shipped out the door since then. I am not sure if you checked the notification box when the came back into stock or not, but they are here.

I do not believe anyone has fitted a fan to my oil cooler to date. I know several other have used Earl's, Setrab and other coolers and have had to add fans as the cooler needed it to perform at stop to low speeds. I have heard from several customers that my cooler maintains almost the same oil temperature in speed ranges as well as temperature ranges.

I can tell you I bought a new to me 92 a few weeks ago and i used to it run some errands this afternoon. It was 98* today and I can sure feel the engine heat from that stock system compared to my 86 that has the RPM cooler. Plus the 92 smells like it is hotter as well.

Randy - RPM

Good news...PM sent

Mike Ramos

Greetings everyone,

Well I recently purchased a 1992 FJ because I could not take the harassment of owning a pink stripe model any longer.  Even though 1TinIndian and Baldy have let me know that they feel abandoned, the constant reminder from Mr. Conlon that his 1992 is the best looking '92 makes me feel even worse...

However, we are talking about oil coolers:  I also have been awaiting an oil cooler from RPM for the 1992.  But in the meantime I have transferred the oil temperature and oil pressure gauge from the '91 (with the oil cooler from RPM) to the '92 with the stock cooler.

At the risk of offending the Dumb Shit Stupid Bird from Down Under, it is true that the RPM unit is definitely more efficient on cooling in hot weather, but I would like to note that the RPM unit allows the oil to warm up in cool ambient temperatures while the stock unit does not.  

My understanding is that cold oil is anathema to long engine life.  There is a reason the 1991 has 170,000 [of at times hard miles] miles and still runs strong (if a bit tired) - My thanks to the gentleman from R.P.M. and all of the products he has developed for all of us FJ owners.

Ride safely,

Mike Ramos.


hello Mike
I just ordered my oil cooler kit as well as the fork emulator valves springs and a fork brace. Knowing
how many miles you have put on your last FJ, and that Randy just picked up a 92 im feeling pretty good
about choosing the 92. welcome to the 92 club Mike.


Pat Conlon

Hey Mike, how many miles have you put on your FJ in the last 12 months?

With your trip back east and your seemingly constant trips, I'll bet a bunch...
1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


Quote from: Mike Ramos on August 16, 2013, 09:32:30 PM

At the risk of offending the Dumb Shit Stupid Bird from Down Under....

I assume you are referring to Arnie, what didn't he like about the RPM oil cooler?

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


I have never said anything bad about the oil cooler, in fact, when/if I rebuild my FJ engine I will purchase one.
I'll also purchase most if not all the other bits needed from RPM.
I've never said anything negative about any of the RPM products.
There are a couple that I don't see as necessary, but that doesn't make them bad or unusable products.
I have no argument with Randy, or his business.  I think Randy is a great guy, very knowledgeable about FJs, who goes out of his way to help whenever possible.

Mike Ramos is upset that I didn't like his over the top cheerleading for everything RPM.
After his 3rd or 4th testimonial about how good the RPM shock is, I sent him a PM.

  "Don't you think you and Randy ought to get a room?"

Mike got upset, and sent,
No, not at all.
I am at work, so more later.
But I suggest you change your tune..."

to which I replied, "Or what?"

I then received a non-sensical diatribe from Mike which ended that he would not communicate with me ever again, and wouldn't even open any further PMs from me. (quoted in full below) 
That's where I left it, till now.

These were PMs.  I planned to leave them that way.  Mike wants a public fight - OK
Its a shame that Mike is so insecure about his masculinity that he can not have a bike with a little pink stripe nor realize that my 'get a room' comment was jest, though admittedly a bit crude.


It is a distinct pleasure to answer your statement. 
Apparently you take umbrage at my use of products from RPM and/or my positive comments about them.  I promote street based motorcycling in a variety of ways and one of those ways is by positive reviews of good products.
While I have been to the RPM shop on occasion for valve adjustments, carb sinc etc.,  I order parts off the internet just as like everyone else.  If you think I receive any type of price discount you are wrong.     
If you had any concept of, or appreciation for, the time, energy and expense that Randy has put into developing FJ specific products it is unlikely you would have made such a foul and crude statement.  Because of his extraordinary individual effort all of many FJ owners benefit.   
I will not make any negative comments on the Forum about anyone or their products or services.  Any banter that others and I have exchanged on the Forum is just that, and we have fun doing so.  If you have a need to get serious I suggest you save it for someone else.

Here are examples of poor service and products that I have experienced which I have never mentioned on the Forum because if it is not positive what is the reason?:
The 'great' Rob North in San Diego may have made been a great frame maker in his day, but when he did the machine work on my rear wheel conversion he ruined the parts.
The 'top of the line' gloves purchased from Cycle Gear wore through the thumb from the wear of the blinker switch.  Not confidence inspiring should you have an accident.  It is in fact the same brand as Skymaster's girl friend was wearing when they crashed and the jacket wore through.  We were riding together and it was I who picked her up off of the pavement.  They fell at not more than 25 mpg.  It is second rate leather that is used, however when she opted to repair the jacket, I did not condemn her choice but recommended a good repair place.
And I did not recommend Johnson Leathers her.  While they claim to be the best, I paid $700.00 for their top of the line pants 3 years ago and after 5 return visits (at 600 miles round trip) I lost confidence and went to another well known place called Zumi Leathers.  They were as incompetent as Johnson.  But when I found a good place for repairs I did recommend them.
I have had three pairs of boots in the last 5 years, Sidi which was of poor quality although they claim to be the best and others have had good experience with them.  Then TCX which shrunk in 18 months to where I could no longer wear them.  I now have Alpinestars which are doing well.  I will not denigrate the others based on my individual experience however I do relate the good aspects of the Alpinestars.
I purchased 2 different sets of driving light from PIAA including their top of the line HID units.  Complete junk at the least and second rate products at the best with a premium price tag.
Prior to the shock from RPM I modified one from a sport bike.  Racetech had trouble simply sending me the correct spring and preload adjustment collar.  Incompetence at its' worst.

On the other hand, what have you mr. tough guy done to promote our this motorcycling sport?
As it pertains to this Forum here are some examples of how I have done so.  Are you gonna' condemn me for these actions too?
I gave away these products (and others too) to members at no cost; while these products did not work for me however they may be of use to others...
A pair of heated gloves and the wiring harness as well.
A Rentec luggage rack
A  RingLoc tank bag in new condition.
New stock brake pads which I had purchased yet did not need 'cause of the brake upgrades.
A used complete front brake set up that I did not use.

Other things as well.  I only asked that they pass them on to someone else if they did not use them and not resell them.  I am just passing on the good will that I have experienced participating on this Forum.

Go back to my posting that describes the crossing of the Highway Pass where I compete against a car who was able to out power the FJ but could not compete against the suspension as provided by RPM.

Or check out the recent video of the early morning encounter with a sedan, specifically at the entrance to the Tunnel; now tell me how any other suspension would have handled that situation so well?

You take umbrage at my choosing to purchasing the best products available for the FJ... your ignorance is disgusting.

Promote your support of the motorcycle sports as you choose.

Send me no additional emails, they are directed to my trash file where they are deleted.  Neither one of will change so let us not waste out time.

So long Arnie, I wish you well, but keep your foul & disgusting comments to yourself.

Mike Ramos. "


Bird Man,

I normally stay out of other peoples business but since its my thread you hijacked to publicaly air your dirty laundry with Mike I feel compelled to say you should of kept it private. not sure you got what you were after by posting Mikes reply...he is right on the money. that loud noise you hear is the sound of your last post backfiring.  let it go man.



Quote from: FJscott on August 17, 2013, 11:17:03 AM
Bird Man,

I normally stay out of other peoples business but since its my thread you hijacked to publicaly air your dirty laundry with Mike I feel compelled to say you should of kept it private. not sure you got what you were after by posting Mikes reply...he is right on the money. that loud noise you hear is the sound of your last post backfiring.  let it go man.



I like both of you guys, and knowing Mike personally, I'd guess he'd probably liked to have been able to retract that part of his comment.

Regardless, and I readily admit I sometimes have a hard time doing myself, but taking the high road is most always the better route.

Randy T

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Psalms 144:1

'89 FJ1200
'90 FJ1200
'78 XT500
'88 XT350


Quote from: Mike Ramos
I will not make any negative comments on the Forum about anyone

Quote from: Mike Ramos on August 16, 2013, 09:32:30 PM
At the risk of offending the Dumb Shit Stupid Bird from Down Under
Mike Ramos.

The high road apparently has a detour sign. 

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Arnold, I have some questions for you based on your comments and the different verbiage you have used in your reply of your "jest" comments about me and my business; RPM that have been brewing for several weeks.

Quote from: Arnie on August 17, 2013, 10:30:16 AM
I've never said anything negative about any of the RPM products.

Well that depends on who is reading the PM's/post and if it was the one you actually sent to Mike or what you "say" you sent this morning.

Today, you did not say anything negative about RPM products but by the PM you to sent Mike on July 31st below, indirectly you do. By your own words "After his 3rd or 4th testimonial about how good the RPM shock is, I sent him a PM.", and since he has only good things to say about the product; you do not attack the product, you attack "rpm" the business.

Today, you have chosen to call me out by name and as the owner and sole proprietor of RPM, you have covered the bases of negative comments about me and my business; not the products, the business as a whole.

Quote from: Arnie on August 17, 2013, 10:30:16 AM
After his 3rd or 4th testimonial about how good the RPM shock is, I sent him a PM.
  "Don't you think you and Randy ought to get a room?"

Unfortunately the above statement is not the PM you sent to Mike, it is below for clarification.

But, either way, how do you feel that is an appropriate comment about me and the implication of me or my business, in a PM or not?

Mike has been an asset to me and RPM as a business. He has done a lot of the design, fitment and long range testing on the products I am designing as he probably puts close to 750 miles (1200KM) a week on his FJ. If in turn he is biased towards me or RPM, it is because he has seen the work & money involved for me to do what I do; for you. I believe he has trouble reading negative about items that he has tested, to which he has invested a lot of time, miles and adjustment into the product. He knows more than anyone else the the quality, ability and performance of some RPM products as he has put the most miles on them compared to anyone else, including me. He has ridden things that were bad and with input from him, and others, were dialed in and he is astounded by the results of the design, implementation, testing & tuning of the RPM products.

And then you attack him via a PM for his comments & support of me and RPM.

I am not going to apologize for Mike's ongoing support of me or RPM and if he wants to post about his testing & experiences then that is his right as a citizen of the United States of America per the First Amendment of the U.S. constitution implemented by the founding fathers. If you choose to read them that is your choice as well, but since you don't like them why do you read them?

Quote from: Arnie on July 31, 2013, 07:14:33 AM
Don't you think it's time you and rpm got a room?
Mike told me about your comment to him above a couple of weeks ago from July 31st, which is different that what you just posted today. In your PM to Mike you do not say my name, you say my business and there is no "ought" in the actual PM sent. So, since you have no problem cutting and pasting others PM's sent to you verbatim, you should also stand behind the "actual" comments you make, not a change in verbiage to make it sound better for yourself.

I wasn't going to question your comments to Mike until I met you and let you answer to your comments to my face, I did not want any of that "computer interpretation"; I wanted to see your face so I could completely & fully understand your statement. But since you have now brought your PM's it out to the public forum, I will ask you the questions now for the benefit of the membership, who I am sure would like to now know since you decided to bring your PM's with Mike out to the public eye and then we can talk about it face to face in March.

Your comments above are in direct conflict to this...
Quote from: Arnie on August 17, 2013, 10:30:16 AM
I have no argument with Randy, or his business.  I think Randy is a great guy, very knowledgeable about FJs, who goes out of his way to help whenever possible.

If you should find yourself ever buying parts from me and my business; RPM, you can be assured that the testing of the RPM products by myself,  Keary Sisco, Doug Hoar and Mike Ramos, to name just a few, have added to my "knowledge" and their input is part of top of the line product(s) you have said you will buy "when/if" you rebuild your engine.

I doubt that you will find either Mike or I insecure and I would describe his comments about the pink strip as the true form of "jest".

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM