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Nor-Cal Ride 08/18/2013 - Small World

Started by racerrad8, August 18, 2013, 06:32:27 PM

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Well, my trusty test rider, Mike Ramos and I went out for an afternoon ride in the lower Sierra mountains. We got a late start from the planed 10am start time and did not hit the road until almost noon; sometimes being self-employed has it restrictions...

We headed east to the mountains on highway 180 from the shop before heading south on highway 49. We stopped in Coulterville, Ca population around 200. We stopped at the General Store & restaurant for a bite to eat.

Lunch was good and as we finished I noted a couple of guys out looking at the FJ's in front of the establishment. They came in and struck up a conversation asking about the FJ's. They led off with those are really nice FJ's and in our country they do not look that good as they corrode.

Obviously their accent, very similar to Andy, told me they were from the UK. They told me they were from the north, but I do not recall the town.

They continued on with one telling us he had an FJR1300 and the other a Triumph. I inquired if they were members of the UK FJ/FJR forum and low and behold they were. We exchanged information and we went about our way.

We continued east on Coulterville road to Highway 120 and proceeded back to Oakdale. We totaled about 120 miles, much less than the 200+ planned. But, that might have been is good thing. It was hot, it was in the 90's in the mountains with heavy clouds and lighting present. We could see the smoke of a forest fire further to the SE as well and upon arrival back to the shop, the tire that came with Derek's suspension components is cracking and showing cords...No wonder the ass end was hanging out all day...

Good day, pretty hot and heavy traffic on the way back as everyone and their brother is heading home from the Sierra's to the SF/bay area.

It was kind of ironic that we were able to meet new friends from the UK as we usually do not travel through there until the tail of the ride, but today I decided to run a reverse course to see the roads in a different view. I was glad to meet them and to think off all of the people we could have met, the FJ introduced us to fellow FJ/FJR forum members from abroad.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


Sounds like a great day!

Sometimes things just work out...

I was gonna go over to the GP, but no one was interested.

Randy T

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Psalms 144:1

'89 FJ1200
'90 FJ1200
'78 XT500
'88 XT350

Derek Young

Sounds like a good day! Glad you got to use up the last of that tire. Really liked those Angels.  I spent the day riding around the Island with 5 bikes breaking in my new Angel GT rear tire. Try it, you'll like it :good:

1986 FJ1200 (R.I.P.)
1991 FJ1200
Nanaimo, British Columbia


I had 2 sets of Angels on mine..............I really liked them, and I seemed to get about 2 years worth of riding on them both..............I switched this last time to a Pilot Road-2 on the rear.........seems to be holding up well after a year so far...... :drinks:
Alan H.
Denver, CO
'90 FJ1200