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Started by fintip, June 16, 2013, 06:49:39 PM

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After literally six months, I finally received this email:


We closed out your ride today (6/15/13), here is what I approved (from the additional documentation and questions you answered via email):


This is to Certify that on the 22nd of November, 2012, L. Kyle Baker rode a 1986 Yamaha FJ1200 a total of 1,022 grueling miles in less than twenty-four hours starting in Los Angeles, California continuing on to Kingman, Arizona, Grand Canyon National Park and Albuquerque, New Mexico before ending in Santa Rosa, New Mexico while participating in the SaddleSore 1000.


This is to Certify that in November of 2012, L. Kyle Baker rode a 1986 Yamaha FJ1200 a total of 1,660 grueling miles in less than thirty-six hours starting in Los Angeles, California continuing across the Mojave Desert and the south rim of Grand Canyon National Park, across Arizona and New Mexico before ending in Mount Pleasant, Texas while participating in the Bun Burner 1500.

Let me know if you want any chance to revise this. They will issue your membership number from the office tomorrow afternoon and mail everything on Tuesday afternoon.

I hope you can see we do NOT rubber stamp these and take your ride very seriously. And more importantly, when you see another IBA plate back, you will know THEY had to jump through the same difficult process you did!

Welcome to the insanity!


Not everyone understands what a completely rational process this maintenance of a motorcycle is. They think it's some kind of a knack or some kind of affinity for machines in operation. They are right, but the knack is almost purely a process of reason.



The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side


Well done and what is not in the response is, that you did this on a bike that you just purchased sight unseen. That makes your accomplishment even more awesome.

I'm not the fastest FJ rider, I am 'half-fast', the fastest slow guy....

2008 VFR800 RC46 Vtec
1996 VFR750 RC36/2
1990 FJ1300 (1297cc) Casper
1990 VFR750 RC36/1 Minnie
1989 FJ1200 Lazarus, the Streetfighter Project
1985 VF500F RC31 Interceptor