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anyone around Portland, Oregon that is willing to help?

Started by HARTLESS, March 10, 2013, 02:13:41 PM

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Quote from: pdxfj on May 02, 2013, 11:33:08 PM
Feel like an ass since I need to push it out another week.  Not in any kind of position to lend a hand.. meaning the garage is still a mess.. plus my FJ is carb-less at the moment.. and the rally is just around the corner..

My work areas are usually a disaster, and I get really frustrated if I can't find tools when giving someone else a hand.. I give you my word I will get you gents over.. I know things don't need to be perfect.. but they do need to be cleaned up enough to get bikes in and locate necessary tools..

Totally understand! If there is anything we(my daughter and I) can do to help..just let me know. I get out of class around 1 on Saturday.

I am totally down for next week. Its all good.  :crazy:
Faster than a speeding ticket!
1984 FJ1100


Quote from: HARTLESS on May 03, 2013, 12:10:03 AM
No problem Pdx! I would invite you guys over but I don't even have a garage at my apartments haha.

Brad, I work Saturday until 3... and I don't get paid until Monday so I don't know if ill have enough money... but let me see what I can do.... :crazy:

I am pretty  much in the same spot...but I have to go somewhere on
It would be cool if you could join us...but I have been in your spot quite a few time's and I totally understand.

I will take a lot of pictures.  :yahoo:
Faster than a speeding ticket!
1984 FJ1100


How are we looking for this weekend you guys?
Are we on like Donkey Kong?  :dance2:
Or does everyone need another week?  :dash2:

Faster than a speeding ticket!
1984 FJ1100