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The Great NorthWest Rally: The details

Started by jscgdunn, May 08, 2013, 11:50:34 AM

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Thought I had better repost once more: :crazy:

Not sure if this is really a rally or not but here goes....we are in from Calgary

Here is the itinerary:

Calgary to Kalispel Friday June 14  Afternoon/Evening. 

Hotel in Kalispel:

From Calgary, according to google it is 431 KM going down 89 which runs along both lakes....should be nice ride.

June 15  Kalispel to Castlegar BC via 395 275 KM.  Depending on arrival time an afternoon ride to Nelson for "tea".

Hotel is:

Sunday AM Depart   Ride home to Calgary is Hiway 3. (610 KM).

Be great to meet some of you folks.

92 FJ1200 2008 ZX14 Forks, wheels, 2008 cbr 600 RR swingarm
92 FJ1200 2009 R1 Swinger, Forks, Wheels, 2013 CBR 1000 Shock
90 FJ 1200 (Son # 2), Stock
89 FJ 1200 Built from parts: (Brother bought it) mostly 92 parts inc. motor
84 FJ 1100 (Son #1), 89 forks wheels, blue spots