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An Actual Authorized RPM Shock....

Started by Mike Ramos, April 03, 2013, 10:53:01 PM

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Mike Ramos

Good evening everyone,
Below are two e-mails that I sent to the gentleman from R.P.M. some time ago with my early impressions of the rear shock.
The first one descibes the portion of a ride where I encountered a late model Yamaha.
The second e-mail has the atual video.
Several items of note:
    As previously noted, with the Fork Valves front end dive is minimized even under hard braking and conversely, the rear shock all but eliminates the rear end "jacking" as weight is transfered to the front. The motorcycle remains exceptionally stable and controlable.
   The ride quality at normal highway speeds and at triple digit speeds remains unchanged and quite good, exceptional in fact.
   And the right hand sweeper where the road is in poor shape; the speed is at 90 mph (+ - ) & I do not load the pegs at all - I sit normally with almost nothing transmitted to the rider. This is the same turn where (unhampered by CHP) I encountered a Ducati at about the same speeds who could not match nor maintain pace with the old FJ sporting both front & rear suspension provided and available to all from R.P.M. - (save those poor misguided souls with USD forks). And what is a Penske...?   Uh oh, did I say something wrong...?
Anyways, ride safe & don't shoot the Midget...

Good evening,
When I left Redding there was still ice in the puddles; it was 20* at my place in the foot hills. I did not bother to find any back roads.
With the front forks [still] on the #1 setting, I lowered the rear pre-load full turn for a total of three turns from the original setting.
I purchased another chip for the camera...
Motoring along I came across what I believe is the new(er) Yamaha R-1 on the Hwy 5 a few miles before the Hwy 505 cut off at Dunnigan. He was in the left hand side of the fast lane cruising  at 80 mph - too fast for me on on Hwy 5, especially in that area - too many CHP at that time of day. I maintained the low 70's as usual. Far ahead, unfortunately & at the last moment he took the Hwy 505 cutoff.
Without stopping I reached down (while still on Hwy 5) and turned on the camera (I assumed it turned on). I bumped up my speed as I entered the 505 exit and it took several miles but I caught him, passing him in the 105-110 mph range. He immediately picks up the pace as well. I see a CHP on the on ramp (although his radar was off). I signal & we cool it to the low 70's.
I was hoping he would maintain that pace so we could hit the entrance to Hwy 80 together (as I did some time ago with the Ducati), but as we got somewhere around the Allendale exit he picked up the pace to the high 80's - too high for me with such a high CHP presence.
Alone, I did take the entrance at (I think) the low 90's - certainly the high eighties. It was going very well & not much of the impact being transmitted to the rider until  I see a CHP out of his car talking to someone through their window. I cool it...!
Approaching the Carquinez Bridge I got jammed up by cars, however on the south side I am able to go through the sweepers in the high eighties. Smooth as silk.
All three events, although minor are on the camera. I think the entrance to Hwy 80 is explicit - motoring after the other Yamaha the road is smooth yet the wheel is active. The sweepers following the bridge are a non-event.
I meet my cousin tomorrow morning for editing - I hope to send you the link at that time.
If I can, I want to do the east side of Altamont in the morning and include that as well. I am concerned about ice that early in the morning.
[   ] I may have to wait for warmer weather.
[   ]
Take care,

Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 9:16 AM
Subject: Rear Shock videos

Here are the links!




This day the road is smooth (or so it seems, until you observe the wheel in action), the weather cool & I'm traveling light, even keeping the fuel level low.

Video #1 - This is where I turn on the camera on Hwy 5 - it takes a while but the other Yamaha is caught at 2:46 on Hwy 505 ( I down shift before he is caught) - passing speed is 110 mph (+ -). Your shock, I should say your suspension, performs quite well. There is no perceptable difference between 55 or 110 mph in ride quality. NONE...  And we cruise for a few minutes at that speed.     

At 5:00 it jumps to where I am approaching the entrance to Hwy 80 in at least the high 80 mph range; all is well until the end. You can see the CHP on the shoulder of the freeway itself.

Video #2 - this is the south side of the Carquinez Bridge @ 85 + mph. It is a smooth ride & uneventful. At 51 seconds it skips to the exit which is low speed (3rd to 2nd to 1st) with a right followed by a left turn and the braking is moderate/hard. However, no 'jacking' of the rear end.

I hope to leave here before dark [   ].  I'll see what I can do & keep you posted.

Take care,




Shock seems to work pretty well.


Below are the links you ran together in the previous post.


Arnie that's great was trying to open it before but wouldn't work  :good2: :yahoo:
Its really interesting to see the back wheel work yet the bike itself seems to be rock solid and not moving the same as the shock  :yahoo: :yahoo: