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Motorcycle Adventures: True Story Accounts of Cyclists across America-The Book

Started by EricB, August 13, 2009, 09:52:43 PM

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The Motorcycle Adventures:
True Story accounts of Cyclists across America... The Book

Here's your chance to get your story told and in a small way, become immortal.
We are now collecting submissions for our new book on, your favorite subject and ours, motorcycle riding.
We are looking for personal accounts on the following subjects:
1.   Favorite motorcycle ride
2.   Favorite motorcycle owned
3.   Funniest crash
4.   Mechanical triumphs
5.   Mechanical failures
6.   Proudest moment cycling
7.   Most embarrassing time riding
8.   First motorcycle you fell in love with
9.   Learning to ride
10.   Teaching someone else to ride
11.   Motorcycle Poetry
12.   Racing Stories
13.   Misc (Anything about motorcycles that doesn't fit in the categories above)
Your story can be as long or as short as you wish all we ask is that it is true. Ideally there will be a humorous spin on the story. But as we said before, we want the stories to be heartfelt and true.
Tell all of your motorcycle riding friends. This book is open to anyone who rides or has ridden a motorcycle, no matter what skill level or choice of ride.
Should your story be published, you will receive...Drum roll please... Your very own signed copy of:
Motorcycle Adventures
True Story accounts of Cyclists across America
Please visit our website: for more details.
Story submissions need to be e-mailed to:
as a Word attachment.
By submitting your story, you are turning over publishing rights to us. There will be some editing done to the stories, but we will keep it to a minimum. We want all the stories published to be your voices, not ours.
With your story, we will need the following information:
•   First Name         (required)
•   Last Name          (optional)
•   Physical Address      (optional)
•   State            (optional)
•   E-mail Address      (optional)
•   Years Riding      (optional)
•   Sex            (required)
•   Title of Story      (required)
•   Chapter          (required)

Reminder:  You are in no way obligated to give out any personal information along with your story. We promise there would never be circumstances where we would use any of the information you give us for anything evil. But if you choose not to give any personal information, we won't be able to send you your copy of the book.

Marsh White

Wow...endless possibilities with this group!   :biggrin:    I'm confident we could fill a book or two with our combined shenanigans...


Let's see... I'll think of a subject... then if I can get a bunch of people who are interested in that subject to send me stories about it, I can just put them all together, edit it a bit to smooth out the rough edges, and I'll have a whole book I can take to a publisher... certainly with much less work than if I actually wrote it all myself! :sarcastic:
"If you wanna bark with the big dogs, you can't pee with the puppies!"

Mark Olson

damn Steve you are quite the cynic.

the book sounds like a cool idea.  all the stories would start out like time at the fj rally..........

everybody passes stories around anyway. I find it funny when I hear a story about something someone did and It turns out It was me or my friends from long ago.
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"


"If you wanna bark with the big dogs, you can't pee with the puppies!"

Mark Olson

Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"


OMG this one time at FJ camp..... fill in the blank.... the latest that comes to mind is..... Whatchugot Troy?..... Whatchugot????????..................... TRoy.... "I gotta plan"..... The rest is history...... and funny as hell........... :sarcastic:

Eric M

"All unattended children will be served an espresso and given a puppy"


Needs more explosions.
Big explosions.
And wasps.
And Drums.
And one eyed redneck cops.
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.

Pat Conlon

The damn pine cone was 5 feet long....

Quote from: Mark Olson on August 14, 2009, 03:40:13 AM

the book sounds like a cool idea.  all the stories would start out like time at the fj rally..........

1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


At the risk of setting Steve off again;
The concept on the book is simple, put together an entertaining anthology. If we get enough stories about rallies, we would make a section for it.


Aww, Eric,

You're doing this yourself; you're not just posting a link you found?

If it's really your project and you're "one of us," I apologize and stand corrected.

One too many editorial dept. brainstorming sessions and/or focus groups, I guess... ;)

"If you wanna bark with the big dogs, you can't pee with the puppies!"


There was something wrong with the link we had to submit stories.
The new link is: