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FJ 1100 slipping? in second

Started by minitruckeratheart, October 24, 2012, 12:32:11 PM

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ok so as some of you may know, i just got the bike running, well good enough to ride anyways, so i was taking it down a side street and getting into it in second, and i noticed that it feels like a slipping transmission than catch than slip again than catch. doesnt do it in anyother gear just second... is that the infamous second gear problem i have read about. is there a way to keep it from going out, well as fast anyways? like not getting on it in second? you guys have been great so far, thanks in advance for the advice.
'92 F350 7.3idi banks turbo E40D CC LB dually-the daily
'85 FJ1100 the streetfighter project
'83 300SD stock, low end IP screw cranked-the womans daily

Mark Olson

well , the 2nd gear problem is more of a popping out of gear and catching again abruptly . this happens at higher rpm and load.

A slipping clutch just revs out and can be fixed by adding a second clutch spring on top of the old one.

Try starting out in 3rd gear and if the clutch slips then you need a new spring or discs , if the engine dies the clutch is ok.
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"


no i was just not describing it right its like popping in and out. under load. ok now i know what to look for thanks guys! this place is great!
'92 F350 7.3idi banks turbo E40D CC LB dually-the daily
'85 FJ1100 the streetfighter project
'83 300SD stock, low end IP screw cranked-the womans daily

Dan Filetti

It's possible you have badly worn chain and sprockets and this is causing your issue, but not likely.  Sorry to say, this sure sounds the the infamous 2nd gear issue, if I was a betting man.  There are owners that ~skip second, or at least short-shift second, to limit the symptoms while they wait to split the cases.

Live hardy, or go home. 


Quote from: minitruckeratheart on October 24, 2012, 12:32:11 PM
ok so as some of you may know, i just got the bike running, well good enough to ride anyways, so i was taking it down a side street and getting into it in second, and i noticed that it feels like a slipping transmission than catch than slip again than catch. doesn't do it in any other gear just second... is that the infamous second gear problem i have read about. is there a way to keep it from going out, well as fast anyways? like not getting on it in second? you guys have been great so far, thanks in advance for the advice.

Sounds just like my '84 when I bought it, but yup it's probably the 2nd gear issue you are dreading.  I had mine repaired and have no regrets investing the money, it's well worth it.  Are you a do-it-your-selfer?  Can you at least pull the engine if you fear splitting the cases?  I did mine myself (and if *I* can...), between a good shop manual and this site you should be covered...
John S.

'84 Yamaha FJ1100
'89 Yamaha FJ1250 (XJR top-end)
'94 Yamaha WR250
'80 BMW R100S/Sidecar
'39 BSA WM20


well, im not a hardcore rider. not looking to stunt the bike or ride wheelies, anything like that. yet. like i have said in a different part of the forum ive owned a hand full of bikes but not for long each. i think i plan to keep this one. so proly next winter project for the second gear thing. i would really like a season of riding before i put it down for something like that. ill just short shift like i have been. but im sure when i go to do it this forum will be a big help. has so far! thanks for the advice so far guys and help guys.
'92 F350 7.3idi banks turbo E40D CC LB dually-the daily
'85 FJ1100 the streetfighter project
'83 300SD stock, low end IP screw cranked-the womans daily