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My Appologiesguys and gals.

Started by theautoman21, July 24, 2012, 04:07:06 PM

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The reason i havent been responding is due to the fact our house caught on fire and we have been at a motel for the past seven months. Our so called contractor says hes out of money after wich being paid over sixty grand up front. So our house is still not done and he doesnt want to finish our house ,he wants to buy the cheapest stuff he can so he gets more money i have been letting them handle it but this is getting nowhere. I have a couple ideas. but also i got in a wreck a while back in which my agent screwed me and totaled my bike and told dmv that it is non-repairable so if they dont change that i will have to iether find another one to swap parts or get a different one all together i love my fj. i dont know. it still runs and is in good shape with only about 2000 miles on it.

yamaha fj rider

That sucks hope things change for the better soon.  :sorry:

93 FJ1200
FJ 09
YZ250X I still love 2 strokes
Tenere 700


Sorry about the run of bad luck. It's been an interesting year here also. But no complaints. Just keep the eye's level and look to where you are going. Due to US economic issues, political corruption, states with cities going bankrupt, unemployment, cities and states seeking financial relief because of there bad decisions form anyone under there "control" (home owners, workers that still have jobs, anyone that has money in the system) the list is long and reasons many.
My advise is. "stay off the ridge lines and walk cautiously in the shadows" . Oh, I forgot on Dec 21 or there abouts we are going to float off into space or something, damn...... It's always something..............  Better luck on down the road.
Life isn't about having the best, but about making the best of what you have...

1990 FJ 1200


wouldnt appologies for things out of your control mate, hope things start impoving soon, take care
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


Actually i just thought i would go around the block to cool off. Well there i was approaching my house, thinking oh yes this is nice ; some one decided to back out of their driveway and ruin it. So here comes all the things that flash before us i hit the brakes which i had a bald front tire , who does that ,me ,ok so i started skidding down the street which seemed like eternity; I came to an abrupt well the bike did stop but oh i sure didnt. I thought i would be like superman so i broke my thumb and sprained my other hand so there it it is.   Thanks everyone for the support, I had to put an ad out for the ladies to come give me a bath.