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Bike Tool Kits

Started by ribbert, June 17, 2012, 09:26:37 AM

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Tool kits were a recent discussion and there were some excellent suggestions.  I have for example now added a piece of 6mm tube to bypass the fuel pump should it fail anywhere other than my driveway.

One thing that has saved me twice in recent times, one a looooong way from home, is a 12v test light.  Our bikes have 20 yo + electrics and many have additional wiring for relays and accessories.

Not all, but most elctrical faults that cause a roadside breakdown are fixable, IF you can find the buggar.

I also carry in everything I have driven and riden for the last 40 years a length of electrical wire with small alligator clips either end for hot wiring/bypassing/earthing and testing dodgy wiring problems ( or you can "borrow" some from a non essential item like horn or lights in a pinch) and it's had plenty of use over the years, most recently for example fixing an electric o'drive wire that had dropped onto the exhaust and burnt through mid trip.

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"

yamaha fj rider

 :good2: Great suggestion if you have tools you have something to work with. The farther I get from home the more stuff I carry. I have fixed so many things with a leatherman.

93 FJ1200
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