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FJ Proud

Started by FJ1100mjk, May 04, 2012, 06:53:46 AM

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My GF and I road down to a popular local bike night last night here in the Twin Cities where there were hundreds of motorcyles of various makes and years, and customs too. Basically just took off my helmet and had a guy say "what year is that" and when I told him it was an '85, his eyes lit up and said "nice bike!". Later, when were getting set to leave, a couple of guys come up and remark about my FJ and one of the says that he owns two himself. That started a lengthy lively conversation (GF was bored to tears during it) about the FJ's. And on the way through the packed streets on the way out, a guy on a sgretched ZX14 gave me tje thumbs up/nod of approval. He must've owned one in the past (assumption).

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