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What is a Klavdy?

Started by Zwartie, February 08, 2012, 06:33:04 PM

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Always loved honesty
Wish you a good recovery
So my search begins---not really
And you are not the first guy to tell me to F/offor the last hopefully


You're O.K mate,you just need to think sometimes before blurting out shit when you are off your face.
This forum has been set so there's only a limited amount of time to edit your own posts.
After that limit has been reached, the post cannot be changed.
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.


Thanks for that
Sorry you couldn't be there to meet Arnie
not a bad bloke for a yank

wha wha whosaid that?   Jk
You are now  in the world of situps
How long do I have to change this ? D'oh too slow )


QuotePretty simple really,as a child, my name was anglicised  from Klavdy Hrbac to David Rabb.


It was a lot more interesting not knowing.  You kind of left the air out of the mystery  :smile:


Quote from: Klavdy on February 16, 2012, 01:49:36 AM
Pretty simple really,as a child, my name was anglicised  from Klavdy Hrbac to David Rabb.
As an adult, I prefer Klavdy so I use that name.
Does that satisfy your curiosity?

Of course, that is what he would like us to believe. We may call him "Klavdy" in this group but I believe he is known as Jason Bourne in other circles. Oh, no - I've already said too much... :bomb:
Ben Zwart
London, ON
1992 FJ1200
1977 KZ200


i once described him, and his kramer-esque one-name mystery, to my ex-, and she said maybe he was royalty.  silly girl.  so was my ex for thinking such things.
2014 triumph street triple r
2019 ktm 1290 superduke gt


I haven't looked in for ages, moved house, been busy, etc and I find Mr K has been seriously ill but made a great recovery and people are asking questions about his origins again. I recalled this piece I wrote way back on the Yahoo group and managed to find it. I feel it explains most things you need to know to appreciate who he really is. I think it followed on from somehting about potato guns etc:

As I have pointed out before, a certain viking explorer, Klavdy Klavdyson carried out similar policies on his discovery of Australia in or around 700 something AD, quickly reducing it to the vast desert island it is now as well as spreading his seed amongst the indigenous people. Added to this story however is that of the O'Klavdy brothers of Ireland, who in the early 1840s accidentally discovered that the right proportion of good Irish whiskey poured into a cast iron water pipe and stuffed with a potato before igniting could propel the potato a considerable distance. How they discovered this is unknown.
Now being staunch nationalists, they saw this as a good weapon in the fight to overcome the oppressive British authorities of the time. Did I mention that here were 11 of the brothers? They immediately set about mass producing the new weapon and distributing it to their fellow countrymen. By early 1845 the army was ready. There were now 13 O'Klavdy brothers.
The enthusiastic Irishmen immediately plundered the potato fields for ammunition. The result, the Potato Famine of 1845!
The British authorities, getting wind of the plot set up a rumour, as all governments do, that potato blight was responsible and promptly dispatched secret agents to hunt out and punish the perpetrators. All 14 of the O'Klavdy brothers were secretly arrested, bound in iron and put upon a convict ship bound for Australia. This was considered a far worse fate than hanging.
On arrival in Australia, the O'Klavdys, still only 14 of them as the latest baby was with the parents in Ireland, escaped into the outback where they spread their seed liberally.
Some time before this, around 1650 to be precise, English Poet John Milton had visited Australia looking for Paradise. Being a typical randy poetry writing sort, he too spread his seed before  returning to England to write Paradise Lost (and if you were to visit Australia you would understand why.)
Later, about 1890, the Russian Monk, Kladiygori Rasputin, visited the outback looking for spiritual healers amongst the aboriginals to further increase his powers. Having a bit of a reputation with the ladies, he left behind his own gene pool.
A further influence on the Australian gene pool in the late 1800s was the little known swami, Klavdhi Prashanka, who it is believed, could summon up the winds with little more than a handful of special beans.
Now where is all this leading you may ask? After several hundred years of inbreeding, a mutant gene has resulted. It is only documented in the most obscure medical journals and produces the
trait, Kladyism. Geneticists who have been studying the trait have finally discovered the one true strain of it, carried by one man alone - Klavdy. The trait manifests as a number of easily identifiable behaviours:
1. A desire to burn, loot and pillage
2. Inventiveness
3. The desire to shag anything warm (or at least dream about it)
4. An innate ability to wax lyrical on any subject
5. An adventurous spirit
6. Strange mystical powers like being able to create  unusual weather phenomena with no more than a can of baked beans.
7. The ability to speak in tongues - words like Bah! come to mind
If you exhibit more than one or two of these traits you  should seek medical advice at the earliest opportunity. In their clumsy attempts at reproducing the gene that causes Klavdyism, scientists have created clones such as Edna Everidge, Norman Gunston, John Howard, the platypus and most recently, Dolly the sheep.
Ned - Ph.D. Honorary (University of Life, Genetic research unit)  
Ned - Kiwis can fly ... on an FJ


Good resurrection job Ned......on both the story and yourself!

How has life been treating you mate........all good I hope.

FJZ1 1200 - It'll do me just fine.
Timing has much to do with the success of a rain dance.

FJ Flyer

Quote from: Zwartie on February 16, 2012, 06:00:52 PM
Quote from: Klavdy on February 16, 2012, 01:49:36 AM
Pretty simple really,as a child, my name was anglicised  from Klavdy Hrbac to David Rabb.
As an adult, I prefer Klavdy so I use that name.
Does that satisfy your curiosity?

Of course, that is what he would like us to believe. We may call him "Klavdy" in this group but I believe he is known as Jason Bourne in other circles. Oh, no - I've already said too much... :bomb:

Klavdy may have had a near death experience, but I'm still not buying it!   :nea:

His BS factor is probably stronger than ever.  Long live the Klavdy!
Chris P.
'16 FJR1300ES
'87 FJ1200
'76 DT250

Wear your gear.


Quote from: Harvy on February 17, 2012, 03:22:42 AM
Good resurrection job Ned......on both the story and yourself!

How has life been treating you mate........all good I hope.

Thanks Harvy.

Life's OK. We've moved out of the 'burbs to a little place 20kms down the coast called Beachlands. 20kms of gloriously undulating sinuous road. I have to share it with a lot of other idiot commuters though. Sadly the property as yet has no garage so all my gear is stacked in boxes in a spare bedroom and the FJ has to live outside in an awkward corner in the backyard - so awkward it hardly gets dragged out. Hopefully I'll get a garage built ASAP. With changes to the building regulations I can no longer build it myself - bummer!  There's been a huge cost hike as the official registered builders now have a monopoly on such enterprises. It's been a pretty crap summer so far with lots of rain and lately big thunderstorms. Still I can't complain at least I have had gutrot or other major illnesses like Klavdy.

Ned - Kiwis can fly ... on an FJ