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Help Get Motorcycles More Recognition In Govt Infrastructure Planning

Started by Klavdy, February 16, 2012, 03:57:30 PM

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We need your help.


It takes you to a peer reviewed scientific paper showing the incredible benefits motorcycles can have on traffic planning.
This is incredibly important as it is the very first peer reviewed, thoroughly researched , non biased yet pro bike paper out there.

Here is the full Clickity Link Thing

Please post similar posts and links on all the bike and car forums you are on, send it to newspaper and editorial blogs, get it in front of your City Hall & Dept Transport Planners.
It will also help getting lane splitting approved.
(Yes, I know but cannot understand that there are some members of this forum vehemently opposed to lane splitting)

Commuting by motorcycle
Impact analysis of an increased share of motorcycles in commuting traffic

In this study, we examined the effects of an increased share of motorcycles in commuting traffic.  A modal shift from private cars towards motorcycles affects the propagation of traffic flows and traffic congestion. There will also be an impact on emissions from traffic.

The impact on traffic congestion was determined in a case study for the highway stretch between Leuven and Brussels. Traffic flows in the morning commute were simulated in detail. A modal shift towards motorcycles results in shorter queues that disappear sooner. Travel times are significantly shorter. When 10% of all private cars are replaced by motorcycles, total time losses for all vehicles decrease by 40%. The attraction of new traffic (due to improved circumstances) is taken into account in this case study.

When the case study results are extrapolated to the entire highway network in Belgium, total time savings for all vehicles would add up to 15.000 hours, which is equivalent with benefits of € 350.000 per day.

The impact of a modal shift on emissions was also determined for the case study Leuven-Brussels. New motorcycles emit less pollutants compared to average private cars (less NOX, NO2, PM2.5 en EC, but more VOC). They also emit less CO2. Total external emission costs of new motorcycles are more than 20% lower compared to average private cars. On the highway stretch Leuven-Brussels, total emission costs can be reduced by 6% when 10% of private cars are replaced by motorcycles.

Final report (English)

Final report (Dutch)

January 24, Isaak Yperman gave a presentation at the 7th ACEM annual conference about Innovating our mobility: L-category vehicles: smaller, lighter, more specialised

funded by


Isaak Yperman, Kristof Carlier

Isaak Yperman
+32 16 74.51.24
"This guy has got to go. The single most offensive individual I have experienced on the web.

i is a professional website designer, I've built over 100's of sites
And yea I actually get paid for it. about 150 and hour.


Great find Klavdy!  Sometimes it pays for you to have "spare" time. :good2:
