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Exhaust backfiring and ticking sound from the engine

Started by FJTillDeath, October 26, 2011, 03:41:42 AM

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Okay so I'll start with the ticking sound...

Heres a video although you cant really hear it very clearly
The noise seems to be coming directly from this part of the motor

The story. I took my slip on off(curiosity got the best of me) and took the bike down the street and then back up, no problems. When I put the slip on back on and started up the bike there was a tikitiktiktik sound from the motor(much like a watch's sound) only faster and only tik(not tok). The tiktik would increase with the engine revved a bit. I took the slip on off again to see if I had replaced it incorrectly but then the tiktik sound appeared with the slip on off. Note it carries on through idle to motion. I put the slip on back on making sure it was correct, but sadly the sound was still there. Any ideas whats happened? There was no backfire on the exhuast with the slip on off and no noticeable change in performance

I topped up new oil in the motor although I need to completely change it with a new filter. I did notice a bit of blowing where the slip on connects to the pipe.. If everybody agrees this sound will go away when I replace my oil I shall do so when I get the filter, otherwise anybody able to guess whats happened?

Onto the backfire. I recently replaced my tensioner gasket(removed the carbs thats all). As far as I know I replaced everything correctly, but now I have a backfire in the exhaust when Idling at 1500rpm(holding the throttle there) and under deceleration. I never had this before I replaced the gasket. Even when I put the slip in back on(2 days before) it was fine. Any ideas why its popping/bakfiring? I think the mixture may be lean(its a new exhaust) but then I should have had the problem when I got the new exhaust too?

Just really confused as things seem to be happening too coincedentally.

Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling


That manifold doesn't seem to be seating properly.
Gas could be escaping past the gasket.  Is it loose at all?   Maybe you dislodged it taking the silencer off and putting it on again.

A backfire or popping is usually caused by a gasket that's blown or incorrectly seating.

Try replacing the gaskets or seating them properly.

Then there is the famous FJ tick, which come from the camshaft end float from what i can gather.