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ME aGaIn - Hopefully just a spark plug

Started by FJTillDeath, October 19, 2011, 03:05:34 AM

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So yesterday after work I got on the FJ and started her up. She fired up a bit slower than normal, but sounded like she wasnt getting enough fuel, as if being strangled or starved of fuel. I thought she was just cold, did something similar in the morning, but it disappeared within seconds.

Because the bike really was cold I stood for a minute letting her warm up but the sound didnt go away. With the bike being a little warmer I decided to try open the throttle to feed her more gas, instead she went from 1500 rpm to 2100rpm and no higher. I tried opening the throttle more but no luck. I thought maybe if I started riding I could use the clucth to pull her out of this strangled state(this is normally what I do in the mornings when shes cold and does similar - except the motor sounds fine)

Got onto the road and no hope. I actually thought she was going to die again like last week becuase she was making exactly the same sounds(so I assumed the breather pipe hadnt been fixed like the dealer said they had done. Decided to ride her to the dealer still not revving past 2100rpm and sounding strangled. 20 min into the ride on the way to the delaer she gave a huge backfire through the exhuast and something sounded like it shot out the exhaust(pieces of metal or something). Then things slowly started coming right and she sounded perfectly normal and rode mormally, although slightly juttery at first.

Got to the dealer, explained what happened and they said it sounded like a dead plug most probably full of fuel, said if it happens again I must feel the pipes to see if one is cooler than the rest. The only thing I noticed from the bike when I got on it(before starting it up) was a strong smell of petrol, I checked to see if any fuel was leaking from the carbs again(cos thats usually the case) but they were all bone dry.

I didnt experience the problem today and havent in the past(unless there was something wrong with the carbs). Dealer said I should turn off my fuel tap as the fuel pump might have cause it, but to my knowledge the 85 FJ is a gravity feed system. Plus Ive never had a problem leaving the tap as it is. Do you agrre that it may be a dead plug or what are your thoughts? I have read posts about bikes running lean and since my new exhuast was put in I dont know if that is contributing to it.

Oh and I do have a spare spark plug, I just dont have the tool to remove the plugs and will only see my brother this weekend
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling



Sounds to me that you have had one or more float needles leaking which has actually partially filled one of the cylinders with fuel.  If this is the case, you're lucky that you didn't bend a conrod or hydraulic lock the engine.
In future, ALWAYS turn the fuel petcock to OFF when you leave the bike.

BTW  If you can smell petrol in the oil, change it and the filter now!

Did you get a tool kit with the bike?  IF so, there's a tubular socket that will fit the spark plugs.  You need to put a screwdriver or pin punch through the small holes cross drilled in that tube socket.



Unfortunately I did not get it with the bike(thats why one is on my christmas wish list)

I am actually quite lucky with this bike, there are so many times I could have been set a light due to the leaking fuel..

A oil change and filter is scheduled, but my 2 biggest concerns at the moment are getting my tensioner gasket fitted and fixing my fork leak(which has progressively deteriated to the poin that it leaks out of the top cap and now slightly where the fork mates with its bottom half). I havent smelt petrol in the oil, just a general petrol smell coming from the carbs most likely.

The fork leak has made me rather weary though. At least finances are almost sorted to get a new bike, so I can put up the FJ and work on her.

Will be quite a while as I will order the parts from Randy and they will take a while.

About the fuel tap. Its under the tank, so how do I switch it off without taking the tank off the bike? I have heard something about removing the left hand fairing, but then I would still need to carry a few tools with me to remove it..
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling