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Multiple oil leaks - warning one my "usual long posts"

Started by FJTillDeath, November 02, 2011, 02:07:32 AM

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This is a relatively long post dealing with multiple leaks, I thought of making multiple threads but I only see 2 of them as being a "discussion kind of topic". If needs be I will set up a new thread for mentioned leaks. But here they are. If I havent provided enough info on the leak or pictures of it please PM me so as not to clutter the threas up making it easier to sort through. Do not assume I have missed the obvious in terms of the sloution as I may very well have.

So I replaced my oil filter yesterday with some new oil. While doing so I noticed a few oil leaks. 3 not so serious and 1 serious 1 and the fork one

The 3 not so serious ones:

#1. By the base of the right oil cooler line as pictured:

For this leak I am assuming its just a gasket that needs replacing? If so where can I get such a gasket?

#2. By the oil drain filter skrew. Last night I tried to tighten the skrew up nicely(not too tight) but it got to a point where it got slack again. So I turned it in to the point just before it slips again. I thought it would be okay but this morning I found a few little drops of oil on the ground where the bike was parked. I again tried hoping it would tighten up nicely but it just slips. Have I strippes the bolt or have I maybe not aligned the oil filter casing nicely? The bolt seems to be completely in place and the leak is definitely coming from there as when you put your finger there oil drips on to it. What remedy do I have for this or what have I done wrong? I got hold of a torque wrench but unfortunately its lowest setting was 20n/m and the bolt is 17n/m IIRC.

#3. As one of the previous leaks I mentioned, oil is seeping from the heads. Not badly but it looks like its getting worse. 2 pictures for visual effect

This photo it shows how it seeps down but doesnt actually go down to the engine(above)

#4 serious leak: As previously thought, replacing the tensioner gasket, did not fix this leak

It was originally though that it was leaking from the valve cover gaskets, but I dont see how as those would be responsible for the heads leaking whereas the oil only seems to be coming from below the red line(from both sides. Is it really the valve cover gasket and the grommets or is it something else? It looks like it comes from the end of the timing chain(the end inside the engine and looks like its coming from the centre of the engine as the oil is both infront and the back of the engine? Is something maybe loose? and is it something I should try replace with my skill level? I dont know how I would cope taking apart the engine.

There is one oil leak not related to the engine, my fork oil leak, leaking from the top(has been discussed before, im just trying to keep everything to one fred)
From top

(this is from the first time I pulled off the cap - 1 month ago)

this is from this morning, didnt bother to take the cap off as u can see the like right through it
From the bottom

I cleaned it this morning before I rode it and thats what it looks like after the ride.
I was told for the top I only need to replace an oring - correct? but for the bottom I will need to rebuild te fork? I knowthe cpa protecting the lower fork is too low but thats how its gotten.
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling


Jesse....your oil leaks.....I'd be willing to bet that if you replace the valve cover gasket, and the grommets on the bolts, you will find that the leaks on the top end will disappear. when  you do that job, make sure you do not attempt to tighten the cover bolts much more than just nipped up, or you WILL snap them.
The Filter housing leak (I think that's what you are saying) is from the small screw in the bottom of the housing correct? If so, yes you've stripped the tread. Easiest fix for that is just locktight it in there and never take it out again.
The oil cooler line has an o-ring to seal it. You should be able to find one at any bearing shop, or even a hydraulic supply shop. Take the old one with you when looking for a replacement.
The oil in the middle of the cylinder block is leaking from up the top I bet, and running down to where you see it. Valve cover gasket and grommets should have that fixed.
The fork leaks you already have a handle on.
If that pic of the exhaust port is what you call reasonable......well sorry, that is horrible.
The gaskets should be replaced whenever you remove the exhaust - they are crush gaskets and really only useable once. And it looks like someone has tried to seal the exhaust with some sort of gasket goo......clean it all out of there, pick out the old gasket and put in a fresh ones.

Mate I would be inclined to change the oil again too. Your description would suggest that the oil was ancient, and with metal in it, if it were mine, I'd want to see if there was any more metal in the oil after running her for a few miles.

FJZ1 1200 - It'll do me just fine.
Timing has much to do with the success of a rain dance.


Thanks Harvy, goes to show everybody on the forum was right after all then, sorry for doubting you guys :dash2:

I have just one question though. Theres a hardware shop literally down the road from my work and they happen to stock orings. Mainly small ones but I think they would have the one I need for my oil cooler line and for my forks.

My problem though is this. Can I get the oring without draining the oil from the engine? Same as for the skrew I stripped in my oil filter housing, do I really have to drain the oil again :dash1:
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling


Update. 1 oil leak solved(I hope).

I started with the oil filter housing leak as that was the worst and one I could fix straight away. I used everybodies advice and used a self taping skrew. All looked well, no drip drop so I went home. Lo and behold when I got home what my eyes saw :shok:!

The entire area behind the filter housing was completely covered and I mean soaked in oil! With the engine on the oil would steadily drop to form a little trickle. To explain the extent of the leak, the oil sprayed right onto my back tire - luckily only on the side - so I am now a bit cautious to do left turns. SO I had to go back all the way to my gfs house(her father was the one helping me fix things) with the tire as it was. Needless to say I got there with the bike covered in even more oil. The problem was that the skrew was not sitting flush against the housing leaving a gap for the oil to come out. This was because there was no washer(to be frank there never was a washer which is probably why the original bolt stripped). We could not find a washer or valumoid to make a little gasket kind washer. So my gfs dad suggested using hardoard as a washer along with some loctite. I know hardboard isnt a great idea  but it seems to have stopped leaking for now.. I do plan to get a proper washer and do the job properly, should I get a nylon washer or stainless steel?

Anyway it looks like the problem is solved. Note on the topic. Holding an FJ so that it doesnt fall is a very difficult thing when youre as small as me.(was using Arnies tip so not to drain the bike.)

As for the other leaks, I will sort those out when I order and get the parts from Randy. I have been told I can get a multiple size oring set where I live for little under 150zar(say19 dollars). For the mess I now have, what do you guys suggest I use to clean it? The cheapest and most effective way? Harvy mentioned I use a degreaser and fire away with water afterwards? 
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling


Jesse.... a copper washer mate. Nylon if you can't get a copper one. Steel will not bed in and seal correctly.

After de-greaser, If you have a pressure cleaner, you will get it nice and clean. Just don't be pressure blasting everywhere don't want water getting into other places, and you certainly don't want it blasting your oil cooler, fork seals or anywhere near your carb intakes.


FJZ1 1200 - It'll do me just fine.
Timing has much to do with the success of a rain dance.


Thanks Harvy, unfortuantely It looks like de-greaser and a lot of scrubbing is what is up for me as most of the "old" is right by the carb intakes and around that whole area, thanks for the tip though. oh and to let everybody know. I lost 2 out of the 3.5 liters I used to fill up the engine from the oil leak. Thats how badly it was leaking/spewing/spraying
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling