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Not all nuns are bangable

Started by FJTillDeath, July 19, 2011, 09:53:47 AM

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One day a hippie gets a ride on a public bus and sees a hot young nun.
He sits down next to her and promptly asks if she would like to have
sex, to which she immediately says no and walks off the bus. The bus
driver leans over and says "Hey guy I know how to get that nun to have
sex with you..."

Naturally the hippie asks, and the bus driver tells him that every
night at midnight the nun goes to an old graveyard to pray for god to
forgive her for her past, and that he should dress up like god and
tell the nun she will be forgiven if she has sex with you.

The hippie gives his thanks and runs to the nearest costume shop.

Later that evening the hippie gets ready for his big night and drives
down to the graveyard and sees the nun praying, on her knees. He says
"Behold, I have heard your prayers and you shall be forgiven if you
have sex with me!"

The nun agrees but asks if they can have anal sex in order to keep her
virginity. The hippie agrees and once they are finished the hippie
jumps back and pulls off his mask and says "Surpise, its me the

The nun jumps up and pulls off her mask and says "Surprise, its me the
bus driver!"
Life behind bars - is actually quite thrilling