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Looking for two bunks at the rally

Started by RumBoy, March 16, 2010, 10:33:12 AM

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I've been trying to phone the KOA without any luck. Does anybody know the ballpark cost for a Kabin for the three nights? Or what about a tent site for the 3 nights?

Does anybody want to split a Kabin? I need room for two people :o:drinks:

Lemme know. I need motivation to get the FJ back on the road.. Winter blues.....

Chris 'n Missus

Mark Olson


the cost was 225.00 for the cabin 75.00 deposit required now.

made my res in January, at that time still plenty of cabins left.

tent sites are next to  the cabins if you find they are sold out.

you may just get a cabin away from the group and after one night of us anybody who got a cabin in our area usually relocates to a quieter area leaving the cabin available :rofl2:

some guys will just get a motel up the  street and then visit for the festivities. you know people who need a shower and a bathroom and a tv, running water etc.  :blush: 
Mark O.
86 fj1200
sac ca.

                           " Get off your ass and Ride"


Keep trying, you will get someone.

Try either earlier in the morning or early afternoon.  Later in the morning people are checking out and later in the afternoon people are checking in.  It took me a few tries to finally get someone on the phone.