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Legends carbs (was Re: Hello from Nova Scotia)

Started by Bob, May 04, 2009, 06:12:05 PM

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Dan Filetti

Dave, AKA 'old slow guy' is legendary, a man that has quite possibly accidentally forgotten more than most of us will ever know about carbs. 

My $0.02

Live hardy, or go home. 


Hi, I have a question. I have heard that they put flat slide carbs on the last year the fj was produced. Can someone verify that in fact is true. I am looking for a used set of them. I have seen a set and they look exactly like the round slide carbs. Any help would be appreciated.

Marsh White

I have NEVER heard that.  Maybe in another country that continued the FJ production for a year or two after the US...    (of course, I could be wrong...)