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$@#@% still won't start!!

Started by scarylarry, May 23, 2011, 11:11:42 AM

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As Kim said, do not plug those vents.  If they are plugged then the bowls will not fill up with fuel.

The choke orifice is in the tube in the side of the float bowl.  It is tiny and sometimes hard to clear if obstructed.



i'm thinking of getting the unipod filters at rpm that have been mentioned.  i think i read in another post that i could shim the needles 0.5mm and not need to re-jet.  is this correct?  where would be the best place to get the shims?



The shims are just little washers.  A hardware store has them.  Hell, walmart might.

Depending on what other mods have been done, you may or may not desire different jetting as well.  Depends on how well you want it to run, really.  The proper answer is a dyno tuning session with someone who knows what they're doing, but that's quite expensive.


 :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:  woo hoo!!  the old girl has sprung to life!  uncapping the vents was the ticket!
thanks for all the help and putting up with all the questions.  i can't wait for it to stop raining so i can take her out for a spin.  it always feels good to solve a problem.
again, thanks for the help!   :good2:
