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Dyno info?

Started by andyb, February 16, 2011, 08:02:06 AM

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Y`know, we've got a bunch of people who make, build, and/or race these engines.  I'd like to see something that I could ideally link to from the FAQ that would give people a way to compare modifications that they're planning.

Ideally, you could post either a scan of the dyno curve or the raw numbers by rpm (chart).  Would need to know what motor it was, what parts were in it (piston size, measured compression, which block, cams, rough idea on headwork, timing, etc), fuel used (87/91/MR9/U4.4, etc), what parts weren't in it (bolt on stuff, exhaust, carbs, that sort of thing), dyno type (chassis or engine; DJ/FP/etc), and correction factor/DA/run conditions.

Ideally, with enough input, we could then make an approximate list of what to expect from a given combination, and it'd make planning upgrades much easier.  We all know that things work as a combination, so it's not a question of getting 17hp from a cam swap, it's a question of what the total combo is; with enough input we could make a really lovely reference.

If you've had your FJ on a dyno and have the readout or if they burned you a CD with the runfiles, you can post them up, PM/email me with them, etc.  This includes those who've just had their bike dyno'd as it sits, but just giving peak numbers isn't so useful; if it makes +10hp from 8-9k but has no balls at 4500, that could influence someone's decision on what they're going to do to their own engine.

Just an idea.

Pat Conlon

Andy, FYI Hank Scott has some dyno info here:
Those #'s are not rwhp, nor are they representative of what a typical FJ motor puts out.
1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line: