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New but Y'all been helping me for years

Started by Cruzncycles, March 02, 2025, 06:21:59 PM

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I've been on the outside looking in for a very long time with this forum I bought my 92 FJ 1200 abs about 7 years ago now which is crazy to think about I'm usually really really quick with turning bikes out and getting them back on the road but I guess sometimes life gets in the way and recently I've gotten this spark back under my butt to get this bike on the road and every time I'm looking for something or trying to figure something out I always end up here so I wanted to say thank you all of you guys for helping me out without even knowing it.
Two stories first one I've owned nine xj's 750 650s I have one 550 right now and a 650 and a 750 frame then I'm trying to source a turbo for but I just really like the four-cylinder Yamaha platform and the FJ is well was the next step for my collection and my good buddy texted me 12:30 in the morning one day sent me a link saying there was one in Jacksonville I said if the guy messages me before I go to work in the morning I'll call out of work and I'll come pick the bike up 10 minutes later the guy messages me so the next morning I'm driving there with my buddy to pick the bike up it had sat outside for 2 years the seal in the gas cap had gone and the entire gas tank was full of water the fuel line and the carburetors were full of water and it is taken a lot of time an effort to get this girl running and I'm in the final stretch and I'm so excited to ride this bike
Story 2 I was rebuilding the forks for this bike and I'm ordering parts from Rpm he called me and said that he noticed that I was short one washer for rebuilding the forks and he was just going to throw it in for me. He didn't have to do that but he cares and that matters I don't know if he's going to see this but I just wanted to say thank you mind you this was probably 5 years ago or something but little things like that really stick with me. I am currently removing my abs module pump the reservoir? And all of the piping for it.

Pat Conlon

A belated welcome, thanks for your post. Kudos on the resurrection!

We are very fortunate to have Randy and Robert (father and son) at RPM to help us with our FJ's.
Comforting to know that help is just a phone call away.

Cheers Pat

P.S. I too am not a fan of the FJ's ABS.
1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


2003 XVS650
1986 FJ1200
1984 FJ1100