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Off to Jasper for the weekend.

Started by hpras, July 07, 2010, 11:39:48 PM

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Got the old girl mostly prepped (87 FJ1200 with 95K km's on the clock).  Fresh boots. and new set of soft saddlebags (sold the Givi's when my wife decided biking was not for her).  Topped the oil off and a litre in the tailpack.  So, Prince George to Jasper is about 3 1/2 to 4 hours, riding part of the way with some friends.  They'll bugger off at Tete Jaune Cache to go to Vernon.  Leave here at 9 in the morning, take a partially relaxed pace, the first bit is kind sucky.  Lots of good riding opportunities around Jasper, just have to try and gap the RV's.  May run down to the Ice Fields, would like to do the run up Mt Edith Cavell, but the road is closed for repaving.  Next year that should be fun.  Have to get back here on Sunday, just an overnighter, but one that is going to be well appreciated.

Cheers all



I'm back and here is my somewhat condensed report.

Lesson learned and re-learned on this roadtrip.

1.)Best to avoid cars and RV's from Saskatchewan in the mountains, they are way out their element. Same goes for minivans from Alabama.
2.)Squished squirrel is really really slippery.
3.)Everything is Jasper is overpriced.
4.)If you leave home with a sore neck already, 1000km of riding is not going to make it better.
5.)The wildlife in Alberta are way better trained than the wildlife in BC.
6.)Tourists will come to a complete stop in the middle of the road to watch an elk.  The tourist coming from the other direction will stop beside him.  They will revel in the majesty of the elk while not realizing they have completely blocked the highway.
7.)Trust yourself and trust your bike, but do no trust buddy in the Buick.

A good time was had.  Had a complaint from my fellow riders that I was running quite rich, but I used less fuel in the first leg than a V65 Magna and a GS1150EF.  Plugs looked a little sooty once I got home, so I dropped the needled one click.  Will see how that goes tomorrow. 


They're just bitchin because they were too slow to pass. Unless they were in front, in which case it REALLY must be rich! I was through that area 13 years ago, would love to do it again on a bike. I'll have to caution my boys to watch out for Slippery Squirrels, that'll get 'em to stop fighting in the back seat for a minute...