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What is the stock gearing for an '84 FJ?

Started by E Double, June 21, 2010, 08:56:55 PM

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E Double

Hello folks,

I am planning on changing the gearing on my FJ.  The R's are a bit too high when I'm on the slab at speed.  I was using gearing commander to sort out what I wanted to change my gearing to, but I was using the FJ info in the database;  Which is for the FJ1200.  I thought that the gearing for both bikes was the same but now I've come across some sites that say a 17/42 is the standard gearing for an 84.  Is this the case?  Cheers for any help clearing this up for me.


There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.
    Oscar Wilde



17/42 for US models.  Some markets got 17/41 (I don't know which).

I think the late model FJ1200's had 17/39.  Several folks have gone to an 18 tooth c/s sprocket.  

Two thoughts - the FJ has enough torque to pull more gear if you want and don't mind a bit more clutch slippage getting away from a stop, and the FJ also has a good set of lungs and doesn't mind running all day at 6 or 7K either.  Just depends on what you prefer!

Also, no need to go elsewhere to get info on these bikes - check here first!  Like this:



you can put an 18 tooth countershaft sprocket on.

drops the revs nicely.



Depends on the year, the first models were 17/42, then 17/41, then 17/40, then 17/39.

17/39 is a great compromise if you're on stock wheel sizes, but 18/41 or so is likely the best choice overall as it'll help your chains last.

Sprockets aren't real pricy, just make sure that you get enough chain to wrap around them!


Not answering your original question regarding stock gearing but.....

As several have already stated......gearing can be just about anything you would like with 16-18 tooth c/s sprockets readily available. Rear wheel sprockets can be had in 37 thru to maybe 45.
I run 18/38 on my '91, which is quite high, but then again, I don't ride like I stole it around town, and Its running at just under 4000 at 120 KPH in top gear with 17" FZ1 wheel.

FJZ1 1200 - It'll do me just fine.
Timing has much to do with the success of a rain dance.

E Double

Thanks for the info folks!  I think I'm going to go with 18/41.  It looks like it will cool out the revs a bit, and these mills have gobs of torque.  Besides, I don't go for the holeshot anymore so I don't think I'll miss the bigger set of stundines on the low end.  Cheers again for the info!

There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.
    Oscar Wilde



I had a 18/38 setup and I was able to do 55mph in first gear and not be close to the red
the issue was with my mikuni flats they did not line the hills in a high gear.
where I would not have to down shift before, I did after the change to 18/38
I don't know if the megacycle cams were the issue (268/2) but life is better with the 17/43 setup

If it's not broken, fix it anyways