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Parting out 3cv 1990 1200

Started by YamahaHero, September 18, 2021, 12:14:33 PM

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Letting go of my 1990 fj1200 I live in Colorado and I really need the money ASAP. I'm willing to take the first reasonable and timely offers so it will be cheap and easy to get rid of parts let me know what you need and pictures availability and price will be easily made available. It is basically most of the original bike but has been apart and is now in pieces but petfeftlu :prrfectly functional parts and motivated seller. Missing carbs and seat But most other parts i do have


Quote from: YamahaHero on September 18, 2021, 12:14:33 PM
Letting go of my 1990 fj1200 I live in Colorado and I really need the money ASAP. I'm willing to take the first reasonable and timely offers so it will be cheap and easy to get rid of parts let me know what you need and pictures availability and price will be easily made available. It is basically most of the original bike but has been apart and is now in pieces but petfeftlu :prrfectly functional parts and motivated seller. Missing carbs and seat But most other parts i do have

I'm in Colorado - south of Denver. Can you send any pics of the bike and parts?    Or text to 7two0-5three0-9one00
