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KOI Pond No FJ content

Started by racerrad8, May 11, 2016, 10:33:08 PM

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Pat Conlon

Quote from: racerrad8 on May 16, 2016, 04:21:09 PM

I am interested in what you are telling me but I think we are speaking different languages here. My pump is a sump style pump, so I based on what you are recommending (I think) I could not just drain down two inches...

But, I do have an interest in what you are explaining.

No need to waste electricity to run a pump to remove 2" of old water (yes, your sump pump won't work anyway)
I'm refering to a gravity drain. The overflow and surface drain tubes are vertical pipes with the inlet on top and the the bottom run horizontally below the floor of your pond, then run (sloped like a sewer line 2% grade) it to wherever you want, your garden (it's good stuff)  landscaping, even your seepage pit on your septic system will work.
With the inlet of the vertical drain tube 2" below the water line, just open the valve (or have your time clock do it for you) and let gravity do the work for you.
Your overflow drain tube the same way. (No valve needed on the overflow drain line)
Connect the horizontal leg of the overflow drain to the horizontal leg of your surface drain downstream of the electric valve, that way you only have 1 drain line to run (not 2)
The overflow drain is a good idea anytime you have an auto fill on the fresh water. If by chance (Murphy was an optimist) the sprinkler valve sticks open, running fresh water into the pond, the overflow drain will keep the pond from overfilling.
You do not want your expensive Koi swimming down the street.

Clear as pond scum?
1) Free Owners Manual download:
2) Don't store your FJ with E10 fuel
3) Replace your old stock rubber brake lines.
4) Important items for the '84-87 FJ's:
Safety wire:
Fuel line:


Well, it has been a little while over a month since I installed the filter. We have had several days over 100* since it was installed.

When the first heat wave was approaching, I noticed the water was turning dark like coffee. After talking with the filter guy he recommended a UV light to control the single cell algae.

So two days before the WCR I assembled a temporary light from the old filter. Once again, the next day all I could say was...WOW.

Once again, crystal clear water.

This week as another predicted heat wave with 2-3 days over 100.

The water remains clear and we have put in some small sucker fish to handle the light string algae that has started to form.

Crazy how some barrels, pipe & fittings, floating media and a UV light work so well.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM