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Is it just me, or has customer service everywhere taken a shit!?!?!?

Started by Firehawk068, May 24, 2016, 01:20:17 PM

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Working for the County, I deal with a huge number of vendors on a daily basis.
I get so frustrated due to (most of) their lack of customer service.! :ireful:
If it were just a couple vendors, I could simply move on to the next vendor.  With maybe a couple exceptions, it is ALL of them! 
I am very thorough when I place a phone call, and usually have part numbers available, but they all still screw it up!
I have sales reps blow me off on returns or warranty claims all the time!
I can give them specific model and serial numbers, and they will still send me the wrong stuff! :dash1:
I have sales-people say they will call me back with an answer all the time, and I never hear from them!
I can place an order online, where all they have to do is pick the parts and send them, but they still get it wrong!
The most frustrating thing, is that NONE of them seem to care either way. Sadly this is business as usual for them...................

I guess mostly this all makes me think of how fortunate we are to have a business like RPM around to take care of us.
Randy and Robert have always been on top of it, no matter how small the order may be. They are always willing to provide helpful advice, even if there isn't a sale involved.
Their level of customer care and service is increasingly rare these days, and I appreciate it greatly!

Sorry guys..............Rant over.
As you were. :flag_of_truce:
Alan H.
Denver, CO
'90 FJ1200