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Tire Changer Update

Started by Firehawk068, October 20, 2015, 02:00:16 PM

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I previously had my Tire Changer mounted to a home-made wooden stand, which worked well enough for motorcycle tires.

I recently used it to mount new tires on my Jeep.

Even with 240 lbs of sand-bags on it, I still struggled with chasing the tire changer around the garage, wrestling the old tires off and the new ones on.
It took me way longer than it should have due to this.
I decided I had had enough, and disassembled the wooden stand.

This past weekend, I went to Home Depot and got some supplies to anchor the thing to the garage floor.

Drilling the holes in the floor was a piece of cake!

These are the anchors I used.

Bolted it to the floor to test it's solid-ness.

It is rock-solid now. I could "running-scissor-kick" the thing and it wouldn't budge!

I can simply un-bolt it from the floor, and store it out of the way when not in use.  :good2:

As a side note:

I decided to do away with balancing the wheel/tires with lead weights. (I knock them off on rocks all the time while off-roading)
I have currently installed "Counter-Act" balance beads.

I spent quite a bit of time talking to, and questioning the Counter-Act rep about this particular product.
I decided to give it a try.
Since my tire size calls for 4-ounces each, I slipped the 4oz bags in before seating the tires on the rims.

I was skeptical at first, but after driving the jeep around for a couple weeks, I'm impressed!
At highway speeds, the tires are balanced perfectly! It is smoother than it ever was with the previous set of tires (even with having them professionally balanced more than once)
I currently have a right rear axle flange with a slight amount of run-out, and the balance-beads just about balanced all of that out as well. :good:
(I plan on swapping the axle flange, as I have a spare rear axle in the garage)

The Counter-Act rep is sending me a free "Motorcycle Kit" to try in the FJ tires as well.
Once I put those in and try them, I'll post up a review.  :mail1:
Alan H.
Denver, CO
'90 FJ1200


Alan, remember to put the bolts back in when you remove the stand. Or at least plug the holes so the threads don't fill up with crap.
The glass is not half full, it was engineered with a 2X safety factor.

'86 Ambulance - Bent frame, cracked case, due for an overhaul
'89 Stormy Blue - Suits my Dark Side

The General

You learn something every day!....Really neat job.
(being a dumb-ass I looked up what a scissor kick was and got this ....couldn`t see the point, but according to commercials you jeep owners are easily excited!)

That wheel balancing powder is interesting.....I wonder if that would work with those little round sinkers we use for light fishing?  :drinks:

`93 with downside up forks.
`78 XS11/1200 with a bit on the side.
Special edition Rocket Ship ZX14R Kwacka


Quote from: FJmonkey on October 20, 2015, 02:24:30 PM
Alan, remember to put the bolts back in when you remove the stand. Or at least plug the holes so the threads don't fill up with crap.

The bolts are too long. I wanted the hardware flush with the floor when not in use.
I'll plug the holes, or just put duct-tape over them.
Alan H.
Denver, CO
'90 FJ1200


Quote from: The General on October 20, 2015, 02:32:00 PM
(being a dumb-ass I looked up what a scissor kick was and got this ....couldn`t see the point, but according to commercials you jeep owners are easily excited!)

I was actually imagining something more like this in my head.  :sarcastic:

There are a few different tire balancing beads/powders/products on the market currently.

The "Counter-Act" brand is hardened glass beads.
Alan H.
Denver, CO
'90 FJ1200