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Another Dumb Question...

Started by Benno #03, August 25, 2014, 01:35:52 PM

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Benno #03

Hey Guys,
Recently my 1100's clutch all of a sudden lost all pressure.
Lever pulls straight to the bar without resistance.
No fluid leaks or spots where it lives.
It happened all of a sudden.
Over one or two rides I started to notice it weakening.
And then it was just done.
I would really appreciate any advice/wisdom as where I live, knowledge is limited on older bikes and frieght on parts is rude.
Cheers Benno...


Have you checked the level in the clutch master cylinder reservoir?  It doesn't take much leakage to let the level drop enough to get air in the line.  (And it will do this while you're under way, so it may not leave its drippings in a place you'll easily notice it.)

The slave seals get hot because the engine gets very hot, and then the seal gets brittle and fails to seal very well.  As a result, the slave seal leaks a bit out the bottom, letting air in. 

The seal is not that expensive, and it's easy to replace (3 bolts hold the slave cylinder in place, the piston pops right out after you remove the slave cylinder, the old seal comes off with a toothpick, the new one goes on with fingers.)  Bleeding the clutch hydraulics will take you longer than changing the seal.
Reg Pridmore yelled at me once

Benno #03

Thanks Mate, I'll investigate over the weekend.