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Getting to the Rally.

Started by roverfj1200, February 08, 2014, 04:45:00 PM

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Quote from: oldktmdude on February 26, 2014, 03:23:27 PM
. Maybe next year you can come through here and ride down to Tassie with us . 

Ooooooh, Tassie! I look forward to discussing this with you over a coldie Pete,  :drinks:
'94 FJ1200 Wet Pale Brown
'93 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver
'84 FJ1100 Red/White

'91 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver ( Now Sold)
'92 FJ1200 Project/Resto Dark Violet/Silver (Now Sold)

For photos of my rear wheel swap, heres the link

Dan Filetti

Quote from: Jonesy on February 26, 2014, 05:14:59 PM
BE CAREFUL!! if your going to get one of those throttle rocker things, they have caused quite a few accidents and near misses, pulling the front brake on can also cause the bike to accelerate if not set up properly..........
just a friendly warning. cheap can be nasty

I have used a throttle rocker for years on the Gixxer.  You are correct if you do not train yourself to lift your wrist, as apposed to just rolling off the throttle you can have the bike feel like it's running away on you.  For the few folks that I have let ride it, I make sure to take it off. 

I use it because it makes a big difference on any ride longer than 30 mins.  Plus, it makes the bike feel a bit faster -which I know is nonsense, but it feels that way, because of the aforementioned runaway feeling I guess...

I like it though.  As long as you're careful it's a good thing.

Live hardy, or go home. 


Quote from: X-Ray on February 26, 2014, 05:56:26 PM
I've used one of the Vista cruise "throttle locks" for years and its perfect. Its out of the way, locks on/off with a thumb flick, and you can still roll the throttle on/off with it adjusted correctly, nice and safe. It doesn't compensate for hills etc of course, but for the flat bits, works a treat  :good2:     For around $40.00 great value.

Yep, throttle locks rock, you can remove your hand entirely, sit bolt upright, swing your arm around, flex your hand. lean way over to the left, rest your arm on the tank, rearrange your balls, scratch you nose and put you sunglasses in the tank bag They enable you to engage in a whole range of fatigue beating movements.
And, for non Luddites amongst us, you can use your GPS, make phone calls, turn up the heat on your grips, find some suitable music, wipe the bug off your visor with the micro fibre cloth in you tank bag etc.

Mostly though they enable you to move around a lot more to relieve the symptoms of sitting in the one spot with you hand stuck on the throttle.
I also find standing on the pegs or moving my feet to the rear pegs good for a mini refresher.

Because you only use them on suitable stretches of road, that is, flat (or slightly undulating) and straight, I find you can control your speed within 5 or 10 km/h by raising and lowering your right arm and crouching or sitting bolt upright.

Nothing will make you more likely to over cook a corner, and leave you in a poor state to deal with it, than being tired.
The effects of fatigue are greatly exaggerated on a bike compared to a car.
Excitement, adrenalin, anticipation, whatever, can only sustain you for so long then it hits you with a rush and you become a danger on the road.
That's when you start seeing things on the side of the road that aren't there and confuse which way the throttle rolls - time for a break.
Early warning signs are when the gear changes get really messy, you're braking way too early and need to accelerate again to even get to whatever you were braking for or you 'çome back' with a jolt, you heart races and you momentarily wonder where the fuck you are.
At this point, don't wait for the next Maccas, pull over now!

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"


Booked accommodation for the way down, at Boggabilla just south of Goondawindi on Wednesday night and at Boorowa on Thursday night.  :yahoo:
Will be riding FJR but would love to ride FJ but have gone soft and opted for cruise control and luxury... :biggrin:
0409037440 Leave a message or text if I'm in motion and I'll get back to ya... :good2:,,
Otherwise see ya Friday.... :drinks:
Cheers Timbo.
Life's been good to me so far....


G,day fella's, I believe some of you may have been planning to call into Mount Panorama on your way home..........the good news is its still there, but the bad is it will be closed to the (non paying) public all weekend for a car event.
I left Doug a message on his mobile late Friday Arvo to the same effect. So if the track was your main focus of visiting Bathurst? hopefully you will see this early enough to adjust your plans.
Was looking forward to meeting you blokes too......the coffee shops and eating houses are still here but


Yeah I wasn't too happy when I heard about Bathurst having some damn event on and it was closed. But....... we took a ride through Bathurst anyway hoping to take a couple of pics from a hill etc, and it turned out to be just the start/finish straight was closed. So we went for a look around the rest of the track and it was great, my first time there.
'94 FJ1200 Wet Pale Brown
'93 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver
'84 FJ1100 Red/White

'91 FJ1200 Dark Violet/Silver ( Now Sold)
'92 FJ1200 Project/Resto Dark Violet/Silver (Now Sold)

For photos of my rear wheel swap, heres the link