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Electrical problem either battery, regulator or starter.

Started by Oman75, July 18, 2013, 06:59:40 PM

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My 1989 FJ has a new problem. I ran the bike hard in the Arizona heat. I left Payson AZ and went to Tonto Basin the temperature was running about 105 degrees the distance was about fifty miles. I arrived and parked the bike and opened the doors garage shed and went to the bike and refired. I pulled away and my neighbor said something to me and I killed the engine so I could hear him. I refired again and the starter went "RRRR" "RRR" twice and fired I parked the FJ in its shelter and cut the engine. I got off the bike and tried to fire it up again. Not a peep from the starter and the head lamp went off and yet the fuel pump was running. I checked the battery voltage, which was about 13 volts. Left and went to get some food and when I came back I fired the bike up and all was normal. I checked the regulator output, well within specifications. I am planning a long trip up North and I do not want any problem to arise. I think the armature in the starter is swelling due to heat. Any other suggestions?
Oman 75 will check for new post.
David Sanders motto is: Enjoy the day!


Its a comon problem whith fj starter motors, they struggle with the heat , a good clean should sort it out, or even a rebuild kit from rpm ,, my 88 had a 2 brush starter fitted by a po ,struggled badly when hot , swapped it for an xjr 4 brush unit
unless you ride bikes, I mean really ride bikes, then you just won't get it

84 Fj1100  effie , with mods
( 88 ) Fj 1200  fairly standard , + blue spots
84 Fj1100 absolutely stock standard, now more stock , fitted with Fj12 twin system , no rusted headers for this felicity jayne


My 84 had three starters by po in 6 months. With the last one shattering the magnets, all we're two brush. I went through all wiring connections, plugs, took starter switch apart which I found was sticking. Long story cut short, new starter was a four brush from RPM. Fires up with no issues, this starter is a year hold with I'm sure a few hundred starts. Check everything out, if you decide to replace go with a four brush starter. You won't regret it.
Tommy D.