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De-rusting your gas tank

Started by Riolongo, May 16, 2013, 11:57:41 PM

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Does anyone know if after using Evapo-rust to remove rust from the tank if you have to rinse with water, or can you just drain as much of the evapo-rust out as possible and refill with gas?


I rinsed with gasoline. Ya I had same problem, what do you rinse with? I had a large rectangular plastic
Bin I used to catch the fuel. My tank was not to bad but you could see rust in it. I used a gallon of evaporust,
And every a12 hrs or so I would rotate tank to get good interior coverage. But when it came time to rinse I had read about people using water but I bought about 2-3 gallons of gas and added marvel mystery oil and stabil to
Coat clean surface inside. And rinsed it about half a gallon at a time. A bunch of glue like stuff plus other stuff was suspended in gas as it came out. Slowly the rinse gas started coming out clean. And it's been fine,
My carbs haven't clogged and am happy with job. Hope I helped,
1985 FJ1100
1975 GL1000
1976 GL1000
1976 BMW2002


My tank did not have a lot of rust but I wanted to ensure I was starting clean. I went through the cleaning process once and the Evapo-rust worked amazing, tank was spotless, I rinsed with water and at the time thought all was well.  I then used compressed air to blow out all the water, at least I thought I did, turns out there were a few small puddles down in some of the cavities of the tank, well they rusted up almost immediately.  Needless to say I'm doing it again, it will be much quicker process this time as there isn't much to remove.  I will be using a blow dryer with hot air to dry the tank, hopefully this eliminates the problem, I was just thinking if I used gas the first time around to rinse opposed to water it may have been a non-issue.

Thanks for the reply.
