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strange and irritating noise.

Started by ossylad, March 02, 2013, 01:14:13 PM

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hi all, i am posting thes topic to see if anyone out there has encountered a similar problem. my FJ1200 ABS (3XW) has this annoying light 'slapping' noise, only noticable at slow speeds and lower engine RPM. i cant work out where it is coming from!  i have had a super heavy duty chain and new sprockets fitted. chain tension is ok. I have thought it sounded like a piece of bodywork repetitively clicking, but after some research i have found explanations that say it could be 'piston slap',  worn engine parts etc. the engine itself has done 48000 well serviced miles and pulls strongly with lots of power. This is driving me nuts and im a worried man at the moment in case its a sign of something serious. all help would be gratefully received. cheers  ian


starter chain.... it will slap around when lugging or idleing the engine (below 1000rpms)

perfectly normal sound....bump up your idle, quit lugging the engine and no more problem!  :good2:



Is it consistant with road speed or engine speed? It would help it you could determine which one. Put your mind at rest. I don't know where you got the piston slap suggestion from, but on an FJ that would be about the most unlikely source, as it would be with any other major engine problem, particularly at that mileage and a known history. There are FJ's out there that have had every form of neglect and abuse thrown at them and remain sound. There is of course the normal timing, starter chain and clutch rattles at idle but none of those give off the sound you described.
Anyway, see if you can figure out whether it is road speed or engine speed, it will help with any suggestions.

"Tell a wise man something he doesn't know and he'll thank you, tell a fool something he doesn't know and he'll abuse you"