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I'm out of ideas!!!!

Started by magnumsfj, December 31, 2012, 08:36:41 PM

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I bought this 84 fj1100 abouyt 4 months ago and it seemed to run okay, but the guys I ride with told mr the fj was a much faster bike and to try cleaning my lower bowls. I did as they suggested and it started a snowball down a steep hill. It ran better for a short while and seemed to be starving for gas so I opened the lower bowls and found all kinds of goop. My tank needed flushing so I did so and still it seemed to run on 3 cylinders. So i get some carbs off ebay (big mistake) and their no better than the ones I have. so I put old carbs back on and now I'm running on 2 cylinders. And while trying to dial the carbs in I move the vacuum tube to the ic ignitor and the motor stops. The box has been gotten into and I'm thinking my problems my be with the ignitor. How can I narrow this mess out?
The older the FJ
    the sweeter the roar.
28 and going strong.



Start with the simple stuff.   Find the Dr Raforth carb cleaning document.  You really want to clean out more than just the bowls.    I would recommend the carb screw kit from RPM to go with the cleaning session.  Give the diaphragms a close scrutiny, if there are pin holes, that will bonk your wide open throttle end.   You may have an electrical issue, but it is way more likely to be just  bad ground(s) or dirty connections.  It will run on 2 cylinders.   If it is, it is most likely to be a coil.  One coil for 2 cylinders.  Figure out which exhaust headers are not as hot as the other two and you can focus on the electricals of that coil.   Start there and let us know!
Safety Fast


Thanks so much! I will get started the morning of 2013. Happy New Year and may your fj fly.
The older the FJ
    the sweeter the roar.
28 and going strong.